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Message 31
From Fri Mar 28 13:28:00 EST 1997
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 18:24:29 GMT
Message-Id: <>
From: Alan Robinson <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: 97.06.18 Objects in Bioinformatics - Reusable Software

Being a computational chemist by training, and having now
moved from the field of molecular modelling to bioinformatics, 
I thought the following meeting that I'm organising might be 
of interest to the list since the themes are relevant to 
chemistry too, e.g. Java is redefining how many people think 
of software in terms of an object-oriented approach with
libraries of reusable components, and distributed object 
technologies, such as CORBA, are providing new ways to access 
applications and data over networks and the WWW.

Alan Robinson.

Alan J. Robinson, D.Phil.             Tel:+44-(0)1223 494625
EMBL Outstation                       Fax:+44-(0)1223 494468
European Bioinformatics Institute     Email:
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge,
CB10 1RQ, UK        


                        Objects in Bioinformatics-
        Reusable Software Components and Distributed Computing 
                        for the Biological Sciences. 

                       18th and 19th June 1997, 
           European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK.


Announcing a  two day meeting on the role of reusable object-oriented
software components and distributed objects in bioinformatics and
biological sciences. The meeting will include lectures, presentations,
poster sessions and discussion groups on the rapidly expanding and
developing fields of software components and distributed computing from
both an academic and industrial perspective. 

Invited talks will cover the application of reusable components,
software libraries, distributed object technology, data visualisation
and the bioWidget Consortium.

Poster stands, each with a dedicated networked computer, are available
upon which delegates may showcase their work and projects. Participants
are encouraged to submit a brief abstract for a poster relevant to the
meeting themes. We hope to have a prize for the best poster

Full details about the meeting may be accessed at - 


The meeting is organised by the European Bioinformatics Institute in 
association with the bioWidget Consortium. The meeting will be held in
the newly completed conference facilities at the Wellcome Trust Genome
Campus in the grounds of Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, UK. The cost of
registration for the meeting has been kept as low as possible with a
nominal fee of 25 GBP. 


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:52:00 1997 GMT
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