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Message 39
From Mon Oct 28 16:37:00 EST 1996
Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 15:30:43 -0600
From: Chris Marshall <>
Subject: 97.05.18 15th Meet. North American Catalysis Society

The 15th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society (normally the
largest and most prestigious of the year) is being held on May 18-23, 1997
in Chicago.  The deadline for receiving abstracts for oral presentations
has passed (November 1) and we have sent all abstracts received (~350) to
the session chairs for review and decision regarding oral versus poster
presentations.  Because of the opening of additional floor space at the
hotel, we have about 100 openings for poster presentations and will accept
any abstracts for the poster session up until January 15, 1997.  If you or
any graduate students have papers that you would like submitted as posters
I would request that you get them in before the Christmas holiday (about
December 20 or so) to:

	Dr. Jeffrey T. Miller
	Secretary, 15th NAM
	Amoco Research Center
	150 West Warrenville Road
	Naperville, IL 60566-8460

Information on the meeting, a list of sessions and instructions to authors
can be found on the 15th NAM Web page at:


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:52:03 1997 GMT
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