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Message 53
From Mon Dec 16 06:34:00 EST 1996
rom: (Catherine Burt)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: 97.04.02 Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery

Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 10:28:40 +0000 (GM

Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society
Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery
University of Manchester, 2-4th April 1997

2nd call for contributions

A two and a half day meeting covering the use of bioinformatics in all
aspects of drug discovery from the application of genomics for
rational target identification to structure-function prediction.

Oral contributions and poster presentations are invited; abstracts
should be submitted to Dr. Andy Brass by March 14th, 1997. A limited
number of bursaries are available; students should indicate that they
wish to be considered for a bursary when they submit their abstract.
FAX: (33) 161 275 5082 
mail: Dr Andy Brass
      School of Biological Sciences
      2.205 Stopford Building
      University of Manchester
      Oxford Road
      Manchester M13 9PT

Further details on the conference and instructions for abstracts are
available at

Invited Speakers:
"Protein structure similarities and structure prediction" Dr Geoff
Barton, Univ. of Oxford, UK 
"2-hybrid methods for identifying protein-protein interactions" 
Dr Roger Brent, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA 
"Integrated Resources for Bioinformatics" Dr Peter Buneman, 
Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA 
"Integrating and visualising biological databases" 
Dr Tom Flores, European Bioinformatics Institute. 
"Hidden Markoff Models" Dr Tim Hubbard, MRC Centre for
Protein Engineering, UK 
"Metabolic databases" Dr Peter Karp, Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI, USA 
"The yeast genome database" Dr H Werner Mewes, MIPS, 
Max-Planck Institut fur Biochemie, Germany
"Bioinformatics: A powerful resource for drug discovery" Dr David
Parry-Smith, Pfizer Central Research, UK 
"Automated homology modelling" Dr Mansoor Saqi, 
Glaxo-Wellcome Research, Stevenage, UK
"Recognition of Analogous and Homologous Protein Folds using FOLDFIT"
Dr Michael Sternberg, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, UK.
 (some of the titles are still provisional) 


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