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Up Directory CCL mess0061
Message 61
From Tue Jan 28 18:56:00 EST 1997
From: john blackmore <>
Subject: 97.03.11 Chemical Information on the Internet and RSC CIG AGM

Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 20:31:45 -0000
Message-ID: <>

The RSC Chemical Information Group are holding the following meeting in
conjunction with their AGM on 11 March in London.

Chemical Information on the Internet 
Recent Developments, including the Open Molecule Foundation

A meeting organised by the RSC Chemical Information Group
Burlington House, London, Tuesday, March 11th, 1997

The speakers include several chemists actively involved with the
development of tools and techniques for handling chemical information over
the Internet. The meeting will provide an opportunity to keep up to date
with this rapidly developing area. In particular, it will look at emerging
standards for chemical data files and cover the newly-formed Open Molecule
Foundation, which is building a comprehensive set of functions for
manipulating, inter alia, chemical information via the Internet. These
functions are being developed co-operatively, and are freely  available
over the Internet. Delegates will have a unique opportunity to see these
functions in operation, and try them out for themselves.

10.00   Registration and coffee
10.30   An overview of Chemical Data exchange over the Internet
        Dr. Don Parkin
11.00   Current Deficiencies in Chemical Information over the Internet
        Dr. Philip Judson
11.30  The OMF - background and purpose
        Adam Precious?        
12.00   The OMF - currently available chemical functions
        Dr. Peter Murray-Rust

12.30  Lunch

*2.00  Demonstrations of OMF functions, with the opportunity for delegates
to try them out themselves

3.00    The file behind the structure - standardising a chemical
information format.
           Bernard Blessington
3.30 CML - the Chemical Mark-up Language
         Dr. Peter Murray-Rust
4.00   Tea, followed by further demonstrations and hands-on use of OMF
5.00   Close of meeting

*From 2.00 to approx. 3.00, the AGM of the RSC Chemical Information Group
will take place for members of the Group. During this time, non-members
will have an opportunity to see and try out OMF functionality available
over the Internet. Members attending the AGM will have their opportunity to
try out the OMF functions at the end of the afternoon.

The fee for the meeting to cover the cost of lunch, coffee and tea is 10.00
pounds for Group members and 15.00 pounds for non-members. Further details
are available from: 
Doug Veal, Doverton Ltd., 46 The Knoll, Hayes Bromley, BR2 7DH
tel/fax: 0181-325-7608

John Blackmore
RSC CIG Treasurer
--         (john blackmore)
tel +44 (0)115 960 2171  fax +44 (0)115 969 2669


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:52:12 1997 GMT
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