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Up Directory CCL mess0063
Message 63
From Fri Jan 17 18:17:00 EST 1997
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:46:36 +0100
From: (Network Science)
Subject: 97.03.03 Advancing New Lead Discovery

The final program for The 1997 Charleston Conference is reproduced below:

               The 1997 Charleston Conference
                   Advancing New Lead Discovery

                         March 3-5, 1997
                        Wild Dunes Resort
                  Isle of Palms, South Carolina

[ ========================================================= ]

At one time, pharmaceutical scientists studied the function and structure
of a novel biological target and spent years identifying and optimizing a
lead candidate. Over the past few years, competitive pressures have forced
research to become more efficient. Emerging new technologies such as
genomics, gene sequencing, transgenic animals, and molecular biology have
afforded large numbers of novel, clinically relevant biological targets.
High throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry have been used to
rapidly identify and optimize leads for these targets. Additionally, the
complementary techniques of computational chemistry and cheminformatics
have been used to successfully leverage research information.

The invited lectures and round-table discussions to be held over two and
one-half days will focus on the successful integration of these
technologies in new lead discovery and development. Participants will
explore the ways in which the industry is increasing the productivity of
the discovery process. The outstanding group of invited session chairs and
speakers who will lead the meeting are listed below.

                      Monday, March 3

Opening Address

     8:30 - 9:30 Gerald Maggiora
     Director, Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
     Pharmacia & Upjohn
     Title: Data Information and Knowledge Flow in Discovery


     Session Chair: Michael N. Liebman
     Director, Bioinformatics and Genomics
     Vysis, Inc.

          9:30 - 10:30: Michael W. Retsky
          Associate Professor, University of Colorado and
          Scientific Director, OncoMetics, Inc.
          Title: Computer Model Predicts Long-term Maintenance
          Chemotherapy is Possible in Breast Cancer: Clinical
          Trial at Five Year Point

          10:30 - 11:30: Frank Tobin
          Assistant Director, Scientific Computing Consulting
          SmithKline Beecham
          Title: Phenomenologically Modeling Disease: Tumor
          Heterogeneity and Progression

          11:30 - 12:30: Michael N. Liebman
          Director, Bioinformatics and Genomics
          Vysis, Inc.
          Title: Qualitative Reasoning About Disease Processes: An
          Integrated Perspective

Lunch Break

Combinatorial Chemistry

     Session Chair: Michael Pavia
     Vice President, Cambridge Research
     Sphinx Pharmaceuticals, A Division of Eli Lilly and Company

          1:30 - 2:30: William Hoekstra
          Principal Scientist
          RW Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute
          Title: Solid Phase Parallel Synthesis: Lead Development
          of Novel Receptor Antagonists

          2:30 - 3:30: Stephen W. Kaldor
          Head, Combinatorial Chemistry
          Lilly Research, Eli Lilly and Company
          Title: Drug Discovery Using Combinatorial Chemistry:
          From the Test Tube to the Clinic

          3:30 - 4:30: Peter Myers
          Chief Operating Officer
          CombiChem, Inc.
          Title: A Rapid and Reliable Methodology for Drug
          Discovery Using Informative Compound Libraries

          4:30 - 5:30: Alex Polinsky
          Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
          Alanex Corporation
          Title: Integration of Combinatorial Chemistry into the
          Drug Discovery Process

Dinner: A Taste of Charleston (Sponsored by Network Science Corporation)

                      Tuesday, March 4

High Throughput Screening

     Session Chair: John P. Devlin
     President and Chief Executive Officer
     ARRT International and MicroBotanica, Inc.)

          9:00 - 10:00: John Babiak
          Associate Director, Robotics and Automation
          Wyeth-Ayerst Research Institute
          Title: Positive Impacts of Automation on the Drug
          Discovery Process

          10:00 - 11:00: Jonathan Cook
          Technical Manager, High Throughput Screening Group
          Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
          Title: Establishing High Throughput Screening Core
          Facility at Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals

          11:00 - 12:00: Harry Stylli
          Senior Director, Screening Technologies
          Aurora BioSciences
          Title: An Integrated Approach to Ultra High Throughput
          Screening: From Gene to Lead

Lunch Break

Computational Chemistry

     Session Chair: Christine Humblet
     Senior Director, Biomolecular Structure and Drug Design
     Parke-Davis Research, Warner-Lambert

          1:00 - 2:00: Bob McDowell
          Senior Scientist
          Title: Structure-Based Design From Protein-Protein
          Interfaces: New Paradigm or Fools Errand

          2:00 - 3:00: Dennis Underwood
          Associate Director, Molecular Systems
          Merck Research Laboratories
          Title: G-Protein Coupled Receptors: Agonism and

          3:00 - 4:00: Jean-Pierre Wery
          Head, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Structure
          Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company
          Title: Design of Potent and Selective Inhibitors of
          Human Non-Pancreatic Secretory Phospholipase A2

          4:00 - 5:00: Scott Dixon
          Associate Director
          SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceutical Research and
          Title: Perspectives on the Direction of Docking,
          Databases and Diversity

                       Wednesday, March 5


     Session Chair: Allen B. Richon
     Vice President and Chief Science Officer
     Network Science Corporation

          9:00 - 10:00: Jon S. Mason
          Head, Computer-Assisted Drug Design
          Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Inc.
          Title: Aspects of Pharmacophoric Diversity

          10:00 - 11:00: Robert S. Pearlman
          Professor, College of Pharmacy
          University of Texas at Austin
          Title: Novel Software for Combinatorial Chemistry &
          Chemical Diversity

          11:00 - 12:00: David Spellmeyer
          Associate Director, Computational and Biophysical
          Chemistry Group
          Chiron Corporation
          Title: Computational Approaches to Combinatorial

Close of the Conference


The Wild Dunes conference center offers a variety of activities including
two world class golf courses, several tennis courts, and a heated pool.
Housing will be available beginning Saturday, March 1. To facilitate a
lively exchange of ideas with colleagues in a casual setting, attendance at
this meeting will be limited. Please use the form below to submit your

Housing for the meeting is available in the Boardwalk Villas at the Grand
Pavilion. These turn-of-the-century style homes, feature an open area
(entrance, balcony, living room, kitchen, dining room, washer and dryer)
and three completely private rooms each of which is accessed by a central
staircase. All rooms include separate key entry, private bath, individual
phone line with voice mail, cable television and a coffee maker. Network
Science has reserved a block of these rooms at a special conference rate of
$79/night plus tax and service charges. Special rental arrangements can be
made for attendees traveling with families.

                      Other Information

Payments: The conference registration fee is $895 ($695, academic). This
includes all breakfasts, lunches, refreshments, and the conference
workbook. Payments should be in the form of personal or company check made
payable to Network Science Corporation (EIN: 57-1038302).

Accommodations: Registration forms must be completed to reserve conference
space. A limited block of rooms has been reserved with the conference
center at a special discounted rate for attendees. To secure your
accommodations, please remit a deposit equivalent to one night's rate with
your registration fee. The single-room discounted rate is $79 per night
plus taxes and service charges. Three bedroom ($237/night plus taxes and
service charges) and four bedroom ($316/night plus taxes and service
charges) houses are available for families. Contact Network Science if you
have any questions (E-mail:

Cancellations: All cancellations will be subject to a $200 administration
fee. In order to receive a prompt refund, your notice of cancellation must
be received in writing (by letter or fax). The registration may be
transferred to another member of your organization for attendance at this
meeting. In the event of a conference cancellation, Network Science
Corporation assumes no liability for non-refundable transportation costs,
hotel accommodations or additional costs incurred by registrants.


                     Registration Form
                    Meeting and Housing

Please Note: This electronic form will reserve your space at the Charleston
Conference. In order to guarantee your reservation, please send your
payment and registration form to Network Science at:

                         Network Science Corporation
                             412 Carolina Blvd.
                          Isle of Palms, SC 29451
                             Tel: 803-886-8775
                             Fax: 803-886-5924

                     Registration Form
                    Meeting and Housing

Name:  ___________________________________________________________

Title:  __________________________________________________________

Department:  _____________________________________________________

Company:  ________________________________________________________

Address:  ________________________________________________________


City:  ____________________________ State:  _____ Code: __________

Country:   _________________________

Phone:  _________________________  Fax:  ______________________

Home Phone:  _______________________________

E-mail address:  ___________________________

Arrival Date (check in 4:00 p.m.) ________________________

Departure Date (check out 11:00 a.m.) _____________________

Do you need shuttle service from the airport to Wild Dunes?

Arrival Time: _______________________________

Number of people in your party: _______________________

Registration fee:

      Commercial ($895)  _____
      Academic ($695)    _____

Please select your choice of accommodations from the options listed below:

      Type of Unit                  Rate per Night      Selection
 Boardwalk Room single or double        $79.00**         _____
 3 Bedroom Boardwalk Home               $237.00**        _____
 4 Bedroom Boardwalk Home               $316.00**        _____

**Plus 6% South Carolina State Sales Tax, 5% South Carolina Accommodations
Tax and a 15% Service Charge

All accommodations require a three night minimum stay. A deposit equal to
one night's stay ($79, $237, or $316) is due with registration to secure
your reservation. All reservations should be made as early as possible in
order to guarantee specific accommodations and group rates. Please note
that Wild Dunes is comprised of privately owned villas; therefore, bedding
arrangements are not standardized as in hotels. Boardwalk suites are
comprised of three or four bedrooms. If you wish to share a suite with
colleagues, please include their names and affiliations.

 Colleague                        Affiliation

______________________________    ______________________________

______________________________    ______________________________

______________________________    ______________________________

Your advance deposit will be applied to your account or be returned with 14
days notice should cancellation be necessary. Should you cancel less than
14 days before arrival, or fail to cancel a reservation, your one night's
deposit will be forfeited.

If you have any questions about the meeting that you would like to have
answered before you register, please use this e-mail link and give us you
name, e-mail address, telephone number, and question. We will contact you
as quickly as possible.

If it is more convenient, please print this registration form and FAX it to
Network Science at (803)886-5924 or mail it to:

                        Network Science Corporation
                             412 Carolina Blvd
                          Isle of Palms, SC 29451


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:52:13 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1500 times since Mon Oct 24 21:46:40 2005 GMT