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From Fri Apr 18 14:38 EDT 1997
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Subject: 97.10.10  2nd Announcement - ICMSB97
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                         SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT

   S E C O N D  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  C O N F E R E N C E  O N

          M O L E C U L A R  S T R U C T U R A L  B I O L O Y

                        >>  I C M S B  97 <<

                       SEPTEMBER 10 - 14, 1997

                           VIENNA, AUSTRIA

                           Organized by the
                       Austrian Chemical Society
                  Working Group Biophysical Chemistry

Indroduction to the ICMSB'97

The first International Conference on Molecular Structural Biology (ICMSB=
took place in Vienna in September 1995, and was very well received by all=
took part, including over 200 participants from more than 20 countries
The organisers are pleased to announce the Second ICMSB, which will take =
from the 10th to 14th September 1997, and will feature internationally re=
speakers. The conference, which will focus on topics covering a number of=
most exciting areas in the field, will be opened by one of the
pioneers of molecular structural bioloby, Dr.Max Perutz. The following fo=
days of the conference will include sessions on Structure and Prediction,
Macromolecular Interactions, Catalysis and Design, and Folding.

Vienna - A Unique Conference Location

The conference will again be located at the Bundeswirtschaftskammer in Vi=
The city is a particularly attractive location for a conference, with its
combination of historical buildings, green parks, and modern architecture.
Some of the most famous city sights include Sch=94nbrunn Palace and the H=
former homes of the Habsburgs, St. Stephans Cathedral, and the colourful
Hundertwasser House. Also unique to Vienna is the Prater park, with its e=
green avenues and its funfair, featuring the "Riesenrad" (ferris wheel). =
course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a visit to one of the=
traditional Viennese cafes, for a piece of the famous Sachertorte.

Organising committee

A.Kungl, P.Andrew, A.Schilk, A.Schrenk

Scientific committee

H.Tuppy, O.Steinhauser, A.Kungl, H.Schreiber

In cooperation with
Austrian Academy of Science
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
Federal Ministry of Labour, Health, and Social Affairs
Chamber of Commerce

               |                                            |
               |  S C I E N T I F I C   P R O G R A M M E   |            =
               |                                            |

The four sessions fo the conference cover a wide range of topics and
experimental methods, which will be presented in the form of plenary
lectures, selected short oral communications, and posters.

Plenary Lectures

Wednesday, 10th: Honorary Lecture
M.Perutz (MRC, Cambridge)
Glutamine Repeats and Inherited Neurodegenerative Diseases

Thursday 11th: Structure and Prediction
H.Michl (MPI, Fankfurt)
Structure and Possible Mechanism of Action of the Cytochrome c
Oxidase form Paracoccus denitrificans

D.Moras (CNRS, Strasbourg)
The Crystal Structure of Nuclear Receptors and Functional Correlations

T.Richmond (ETH, Zuerich)
X-Ray Structure of the Nucleosome Core Particle at 2.8A Resolution

G.Rose (John Hopkins University)
Simulation of Protein Folding using LINUS

B.Rost (EMBL, Heidelberg)
Learing from Evolution to Predict Protein Structure

S.Benner (University of Florida)
Natural History and the Physical Sciences: Predicting the Structure of Pr=

M.Sippl (University of Salzburg)
Moluclar Forces in Protein Folding and Prediction

Friday 12th: Macromolecular Interactions
O.Jardetzky (Stanford University)
Protein Dynamics, NMR and Protein Function

A.Frankel (UCSF, San Francisco)
Design and Evolution of RNA-binding Proteins

T.Seitz (Yale University)
Structural Diversity and Mechnistic Similarity in RNA and DNA Polymerase

R.Rigler (Karolinska Inst., Stockholm)
Fluoresence Correlation Spectroscopy, Detection and Selection of Single

A.Watts (University of Oxford)
Atomistic Resolution af Bound Ligands in Functionally Active, Membrane
Receptors using Non-Crystallographic Methods

Saturday 13th: Catalysis and Design
W. van Gunsteren (ETH, Zuerich)
Calculation of Free Energy and Binding Constants for Biomolecular Complex=

A.Wlodawer (NCI, Frederick)
Retroviral Integrases - the Last Frontier in Designing Drugs against Aids

R.Goody (MPI, Dortmund)
Problems and Perspectives in Designing Drugs Against AIDS

M.Weir (Glaxo Wellcome, Stevenage)
Role of Structural Biology in Drug Discovery

K.Mueller (F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel)
Combined Rational and Random Design Concepts in Drug Discovery

M.Gruetter (Novartis, Basel)
A Target Based Stragegy for Drug Discovery

Sunday 14th, Folding
R.Baldwin (Stanford University)
Nature of the APomyoglobin Folding Pathway

K.Dill (UCSF, San Francisco)
Sightseeing along the Landscapes of Protein Folding

C.Dobson (University of Oxford)
Exploring the Structural Bases of Protein Folding

P.Schuster (University of Vienna)
RNA Structures beyond the One Sequence-One Structure Paradigm

F.Hartl (HHMI, New York)
Chaperone-Assisted Protein Folding

Call for Posters

Interested participants are invited to submit abstracts describing origin=
work which has not been presented elsewhere. Abstracts should arrive

                    no later than July 10th, 1997.

Authors will be informed about the provisional acceptance ot the abstract
by the end of July. The presentation of the abstracts as a poster will be
confirmed, and included in the Book of Abstracts when one or more of the
authors register for the conference. Contributors of outstanding abstract=
will be chosen by the Scientific Committee to give a 15 minute oral


An exhibition of instruments, accessories, software, literature and
other items is planned. Companies interested in displaying their products
are kindly requested to contact the conference secretariat.

Registration Fees
                        before August 1       after August 1

  Regular Participant     5000 ATS              5600 ATS
  GOeCH Member            4000 ATS              4500 ATS
  Student                 2500 ATS              3000 ATS
  Accomp. Person           500 ATS               600 ATS

The registration fee includes the COnference Proceedings and participatio=
in all scientific sessions, the welcome drink, lunch from Thursday to Sun=
coffee breaks, and the participation in the social programme. Accompanyin=
people attend only the social proramme.


Wirtschaftskammer Oesterreichs
(Julius Raab Saal)
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63
A-1040 Vienna

If your are interested in a folder of the second announcement including a
registration form and the social program, please contact:

      Dr. Andreas Kungl
      Gesellschaft Oesterreichischer Chemiker
      AG Biophysikalische Chemie
      Nibelungengasse 11
      A-1010 Wien, Austria
      Tel.: ++ 43 1 5874249 or ++ 43 1 5873980
      FAX.: ++ 43 1 5878966


|                                                                        =
|                           Hellfried Schreiber, Ph.D.                   =
|                                                                        =
|                                       |                                =
|  Institute for Theoretical Chemistry  |                                =
|  Theoretical Biochemistry Group       |   Mail:   =
|  Waehrigerstrasse 17                  |   Voice: +43 1 40480 - 618     =
|  A-1090 Wien, Austria, Europe         |   FAX:   +43 1 4028525         =
|                                       |                                =



Modified: Wed Apr 23 22:12:34 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1223 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:47 2005 GMT