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Message 0074+1
From Mon Apr 21 13:12 EDT 1997
From: "Wayne Huang" <>
Subject: 97.06.25  Summer/Fall-97 Workshops on Computational Chemistry
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Dear Colleagues:

The Summer/Fall-97 3-day intensive Computational Chemistry Workshops
have been scheduled. Attached is the summary. For a complete brochure,
drop me an e-mail to Thanks!

Wayne Huang


Intensive 3-day workshops focus on application of modern electronic
structure methods to chemistry. Lectures will describe underlying
theory, assess performance of modern electronic structure methods,
outline practical strategies for doing calculations, and illustrate
results of applications to diverse chemical problems. Laboratories
provide hands-on experience using a wide selection experiments, as
well as ample time to explore your own chemistry. Visualization and
animation will also be presented for both educational demonstration
and research presentation.

_/                                                                _/
_/                    COMPUTATIONAL CHEMSITRY WORKSHOPS           _/
_/						                  _/
_/ Format:      3-day intensive workshop on electronic structure  _/
_/              methods and applications, and hands-on molecular  _/
_/              modeling laboratory on individual workstations.   _/
_/              It will provide:                                  _/
_/							          _/
_/		 o Concise summary of modern electronic structure _/
_/                 methods                                        _/
_/		 o Assessment of range and performance of their   _/
_/		   applications					  _/
_/		 o Hands-on experience in molecular modeling      _/
_/		 o Exploration of your research computationally   _/
_/		 o Visualization and animation of structures and  _/
_/		   reactions 					  _/
_/							          _/
_/ Schedule:	June Workshop:          June 25-27, 1997 (full)   _/
_/		July Workshop:	 	July 23-25, 1997          _/
_/              September Workshop: 	September 17-19, 1997     _/
_/              November Workshop:      November 5-7, 1997        _/
_/								  _/
_/ Instructors: Lecture Section - Dr. Warren Hehre		  _/
_/              Lab Section     - Dr. Wayne Huang		  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Location:    Wavefunction, Inc. Irvine, California, USA	  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Fee:         $1000 (50% off for academics, $500), which        _/
_/		includes course registration, four computational  _/
_/		textbooks and one animated CD-ROM, all breakfasts _/
_/		and lunches.  			                  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Textbooks:	o "Chemistry with Computation", Warren Hehre &	  _/
_/                Wayne Huang, 1995.				  _/
_/								  _/
_/		o "A Laboratory Book of Computational Organic     _/
_/		  Chemistry", Warren Hehre, Alan Shusterman &     _/
_/                Wayne Huang, 1996.			          _/
_/								  _/
_/		o "A Short Course in Modern Electronic Structure  _/
_/  		  Methods", Warren Hehre, 1993-1997.	          _/
_/								  _/
_/		o Educational CD-ROM "SpartanLive - Visualization _/
_/		  of Chemical Structures and Reactions", Tom Hehre_/
_/		  Lonnie Burke, Wayne Huang & Warren Hehre, 1995. _/
_/								  _/
_/		o "Practical Strategies for Electronic Structure  _/
_/		  Calculations", Warren Hehre, 1995.		  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Information:	  _/
_/		or contact Wayne Huang for further information    _/
_/		including detailed brochure and course curriculum._/
_/              Tel: (714)955-2120 Fax: (714)955-2118	          _/
_/              E-mail:		          _/
_/							          _/

(Sorry for the bandwidth)

|  Wayne Huang, Ph.D.    	|  18401 Von Karman, Suite 370  | 
|  Computational Chemist 	|  Irvine, California 92612     |
|  Wavefunction, Inc.    	|  714-955-2120 <> 955-2118(fax)|  
|     	|  Web:  |

Modified: Wed Apr 23 22:17:19 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1616 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:27 2005 GMT