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Message 0085+1
From  Tue Apr 29 16:39:35 1997
From: "Wayne Huang" <>
Subject: 97.09.17 Wavefunction Comp Chem Workshops
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The Summer/Fall-97 3-day intensive Computational Chemistry Workshops
have been scheduled. Attached is the summary. For a complete brochure,
drop me an e-mail to Thanks!          -- Wayne

_/                    COMPUTATIONAL CHEMSITRY WORKSHOPS           _/
_/						                  _/
_/ Format:      3-day intensive workshop on electronic structure  _/
_/              methods and applications, and hands-on molecular  _/
_/              modeling laboratory on individual workstations.   _/
_/								  _/
_/ Schedule:	June Workshop:          June 25-27, 1997 (full)   _/
_/		July Workshop:	 	July 23-25, 1997          _/
_/              September Workshop: 	September 17-19, 1997     _/
_/              November Workshop:      November 5-7, 1997        _/
_/								  _/
_/ Instructors: Lecture Section - Dr. Warren Hehre		  _/
_/              Lab Section     - Dr. Wayne Huang		  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Location:    Wavefunction, Inc. Irvine, California, USA	  _/
_/								  _/
_/ Textbooks:	o "Chemistry with Computation", Warren Hehre &	  _/
_/                Wayne Huang, 1995.				  _/
_/								  _/
_/		o "A Laboratory Book of Computational Organic     _/
_/		  Chemistry", Warren Hehre, Alan Shusterman &     _/
_/                Wayne Huang, 1996.			          _/
_/								  _/
_/		o "A Short Course in Modern Electronic Structure  _/
_/  		  Methods", Warren Hehre, 1993-1997.	          _/

|  Wayne Huang, Ph.D.    	|  18401 Von Karman, Suite 370  | 
|  Computational Chemist 	|  Irvine, California 92612     |
|  Wavefunction, Inc.    	|  714-955-2120 <> 955-2118(fax)|  
|     	|  Web:  |

Modified: Sun May 4 02:37:44 1997 GMT
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