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Message 0092+1
From Mon May  5 10:32 EDT 1997
From: Iosif Vaisman <>
To: CCL <>
Subject: 97.08.19 ACS Course in Molecular Modeling
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The American Chemical Society Short Course
Molecular Modeling, Computational/Combinatorial Chemistry, 
and Chemical Diversity : Methods and Techniques

Two Sessions: May 13-16, 1997 and August 19-22, 1997

Laboratory for Molecular Graphics and Theoretical Modeling
College of Pharmacy, University of Texas at Austin

The introductory course will be especially valuable for experimental chemists
who design drugs or carry out syntheses, as well as other R&D scientists in
the organic, medicinal, or biochemical fields.

Each student will have their own Silicon Graphics workstation and access to 
desktop computers for the duration of the short course. There will be daily 
"hands-on" laboratory sessions so YOU can work with state-of-the-art hardware 
and software. 

Topics: Molecular Mechanics Calculations, Molecular Mechanics Parameterization, 
Quantum Mechanics Calculations, Conformational Searching, Drug Design, 
Pharmacophore Development, 3D Databases, 3D Searching Strategies, and 
Combinatorial Chemistry Concepts

Who Should Attend?
Anyone wanting to know more about molecular structure calculations, 
pharmacophore design, 3D database searching, and structure-function 
relationships.  The course has been designed primarily for experimental 
scientists in industry or academics with a background in the chemical, 
biological, and/or biomedical sciences. 

CONCORD, CAChe, and more 

J. Phillip Bowen (University of Georgia)
Norman L. Allinger (University of Georgia)
Alex Tropsha (University of North Carolina)
Warren Hehre (Wavefunction, Inc.)
Bob Pearlman (University of Texas at Austin)
Osman Guner (MSI)

Call the ACS Education Services/Short Course Office at 
(800) 227-5558 or (202) 872-4508 or FAX (202) 872-6336

Modified: Wed May 14 14:57:59 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1268 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:49 2005 GMT