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Message 0093+1
From Mon May  5 11:05 EDT 1997
To: "" <>
Subject: 97.06.03 Virtual Course - Scientific Java and XML
From: "frosc000@goofy" <>
Content-Type: text

           Scientific Information Components using Java and XML

                   An 8-week Virtual self-paced course

The world of Scientific and Technical publishing will be revolutionised by 
the new technologies  of Java and 
XML. Java provides a rich, robust, highly  structured language which
supports the creation and transport of 
objects  over Intranets and the WWW. Many scientific sites are rapidly
converting to  Java.

XML, which has been developed in a largely virtual W3 project is the new 
'extremely simple' dialect of 
SGML for use on the WWW. XML combines the  robustness, richness and
precision of SGML with the ease 
and ubiquity of  HTML. Microsoft and other major vendors have already
committed to XML in  early releases 
of their products.

XML, which is already a working language, has been designed for complete 
interoperability with Java. 
Knowledge of these languages will soon be an  essential for anyone involved
in producing or using scientific 
information  over the WWW.

With no XML textbooks and few real-life courses how can YOU prepare for 
this revolution?  The answer is 

The VSMS has a history of innovation in technical and scientific education 
and training and now offers a 
customised package of CDROM and online training  combining Java and XML.
Your CDROM starts with 
JUMBO, the world's only XML  browser, and a class library of over 300
classes. There are a very wide  range 
of examples from several disciplines and examples of how to extend  or
modify Java classes to your 

Knowledge of Java is not a pre-requisite, but you will need basic
programming  skills.  You will build on the 
60000+ lines of Java in JUMBO and much of  the coursework can be done by
analogy with existing 

Java-XML is not a correspondence course, but an on-line virtual community 
including experts from round the 
globe. Each week you get assignments which  are communally discussed and
where students can 
contribute as much as gain.  The course can react to new developments which
will occur during the next  3 
months and there is also scope for collaborative projects.  We particularly 
welcome group applications from 
organisations which, besides attracting  discounts, can lead to in-house

The cost for the package is 1000 GBP (300 GBP for academics).  Group and
site  rates are available.  Every 
member receives:

*	A CDROM at the start of the course (with JUMBO, sample code, XML 
    documents, etc.)
*	Weekly assignments (starting June 3 1997)
*	Exclusive membership of hypermail lists
*	Access to tutors and other students
*	A real-life launch in Nottingham (courtesy of SUN Microsystems)
*	Other benefits detailed on the WWW pages

Registration is virtual and organised by the Globewide Network Academy.  All
details, including registration, 
JUMBO in action, examples of code, etc.  are at:

Peter Murray-Rust

The Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical
University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 115 951-5110 


Christian Frosch
Institute of Toxicology
University of Mainz	              Phone: +49 6131 17 4387
Obere Zahlbacher Str. 67	Fax:   +49 6131 230506
55131 Mainz		Germany

Modified: Wed May 14 15:00:56 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1603 times since Mon Oct 24 21:53:54 2005 GMT