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Message 0095+1
From Wed May  7 18:12 EDT 1997
From: "Kristen Langevin" <>
Subject: 97.06.23 Data Management for Drug Discovery and Design
Content-Type: text

     I am writing to inform you of a conference entitled, "Data Management 
     for Drug Discovery and Design", June 23-24, 1997 in San Francisco, CA. 
     Please take a moment to view our brochure on-line at:  You may register here as 
     In addition, if you have a website that you would be interested in 
     linking to our conference page, please contact me to arrange.  You may 
     also contact me if you have questions.  I can be reached directly at 
     (508) 481-6400, ext. 257.  My e-mail address is
     Kristen P. Langevin
     Marketing Manager
Modified: Wed May 21 14:52:49 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1402 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:33 2005 GMT