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Message 0096+1
From owner-chminf-l@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Thu May  8 16:15 EDT 1997
From: jean richards <jrichard@SCOTT.SKIDMORE.EDU>
Subject: 97.06.22 Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques
Content-Type: text

Arleen Somerville's workshop entitled "Teaching Chemical Information:
Tips and Techniques" is being offered from 1-5 pm on Sunday June 22nd
at the Saratoga Springs City Center in Saratoga Springs,
NY.Registration information is in the April 28 Chem & Eng. News or can
be obtained for non-ACS members from the Registrar Harmon Tunison.
His e-mail address is  The cost is $35-no one-day
registration fee is required.  Participants will find out what to
teach, resources available, how to overcome barriers to teaching a
course and share instruction ideas with others.  For additional
information, please contact Arleen Somerville--phone:716-275-4465,
                                        Jean Richards

Modified: Wed May 21 15:27:43 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1295 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:17 2005 GMT