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Message 0097+1
From Fri May  9 07:53 EDT 1997
To: Fredrik B|kman <>
From: Scott Owens <>
Subject: 97.06.16 RSC Modelling Group Inaugural Meeting
Content-Type: text

Dear all,

this message is for members of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK.

Recently the Industrial Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry has
undergone some reorganisation moving from being organised at a regional
level to organisation based on subject groups. Several groups such as
specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals are already in existence to
represent members interests in those industrial sectors.

A group has now been formed to bring together researchers and practitioners
in atomistic modelling techniques mostly from an industrial perspective but
also welcoming interested academic members. The group is called Molecular
Modelling Group and is located within the RSC's industrial division.

There will be an inauguration meeting at the RSC's lecture theatre in
Burlington Place (off Saville Row) London on Monday 16 June. Speakers will
represent a number of industrial companies including ICI, Courtaulds,
Unilever and BASF. This will be a one day meeting, with free buffet lunch.

Any enquiries about the meeting or the subject group please contact me at
one of the addresses below.

The opinions expressed above are those of 
Scott Owens...... So don't complain to BNFL if
you don't like them, because they probably 
don't like them either.

Dr. Scott Owens,
Company Research Laboratory,
B516, Springfields works,
PR4 0XJ,

Phone:   +44 (0)1772 763914
Fax:     +44 (0)1772 762470

Modified: Wed May 21 15:36:12 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1410 times since Mon Oct 24 21:52:59 2005 GMT