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Up Directory CCL mess0117
Message 0116+1
From owner-chminf-l@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Wed Jun 18 11:28 EDT 1997
From: Gopher Administrator <admin@HACKBERRY.CHEM.NIU.EDU>
Subject: 97.11.01 ECCC-4 (Elec. Comp. Chem. Conf).
Content-Type: text

The Fourth Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC-4) will be held
on the Internet in November 1997. This is just a pre-announcement so that you
can mark your calendars. Final deadlines have not yet been set, but abstracts
will be due sometime in late September, with final versions of the articles
due in late October.

ECCC-4 will feature enhancements on last year's interface along with a new
customizable interface to the articles. As always, ECCC-4 will have no
registration fee and will be open to all who have www connections.

More information and details will follow in mid-July.

Just a brief reminder that the deadline for submission of abstracts to
the Fourth Electornic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC-4)is
September 26, 1997. Abstracts can be submitted in all subdisciplines of
computational chemistry. As always, the conference will be held entirely
on the internet and there is NO REGISTRATION FEE.

Complete details on the conference are available at

Steven Bachrach
Department of Chemistry
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, Il 60115                        Phone: (815)753-6863                    Fax:   (815)753-4802

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