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Supporting Computational Chemistry List

To support its operation CCL provides services. For all paid services you will receive regular invoices and receipts that you can charge against your project funds. You can also support CCL individually. Beside that CCL participation and archives are free and open. Be one of the sponsors and help CCL continue in this mode. Currently, you can help CCL in the following way:

  • Advertise open positions on CCL.
  • Advertise conferences and workshops.
  • Be an Organizational Sponsor (Adopt a Page)
  • Be a Supporting Member of CCL
  • Buy a DVD with CCL Archives
  • Upload documents, software, images, etc..

Details about CCL supporting options.

CCL is now operated from the private home and registered as a Computational Chemistry List, Ltd. in the State of Ohio as a for-profit LLC. Running it as a IRC 501(c)3 charity would involve too much red tape and reporting overhead. I would be glad to do it but it would add to its operation costs. CCL Services are rendered before payment. I realize that your organization polices and commencing the payment may be convoluted and long. You will be issued a regular invoice. It will be generated automatically and sent to you via email if you use the Self-Serve Web Forms or I will send it to you via regular mail if you asked me to fill out the Web forms for you.

The preferred payment option is by Credit Card. Checks that are drawn in an American Bank are also encouraged and many banks outside the US provide this service for a nominal fee through their corresponding banks in the US. Use the Bank/Wire Transfers as the last resort since they are expensive for you and me. My bank charges me 15 USD for each transfer, and your bank charges you even more. It is probably cheaper to send me money via, e.g., Western Union than with a bank transfer. My address, account information, and other technical payment details are provided in the invoice that is generated when you order a CCL service.


  • Advertise open positions on CCL. This is a very successful service that got thousands of positions filled in academia, government and corporate research labs. To post a job on CCL job page go to: The cost of this service is 100 or 150 USD (depending on the amount of assistance you require) per job announcement. Tell your boss or HR department about it and encourage your colleagues to use this successful service.
  • Advertise your workshop/conference/symposium on the CCL Conference Page: Payment for submission to this page (50 USD) is not required from people who are not associated with the conference organization. However, since posting the announcement on the CCL Conference page will positively increase your meeting attendance, the support of the CCL is expected from the organizers. Please help your conference and those who help you making it a success.
  • Place link/logo on a CCL Supporting members page. This does not have to be a charity. CCL Web site is one of the oldest on Internet. It is constantly indexed by Internet Search Engines and having your link on CCL Supporting Members Page will increase traffic to your Web site and make it easier to find. Supporting members with a higher contribution will be placed closer to the top of this page. Beside being confident that you did your share of supporting CCL you can also increase traffic to the page of your choice. You can also claim your other paid services in lieu or in addition of your cash contribution. Become a CCL sponsor today by filling out the Be Supporting CCL Member page and help. The sponsorship link is displayed for a year.
  • Place your company link/logo on one of CCL Pages. This is not a charity. CCL Web site is one of the oldest on Internet. It is constantly indexed by Internet Search Engines and having your link on CCL Web Pages will increase traffic to your Web site, and generate beneficial publicity and traffic from those who visit the CCL web site. It will increase substantially your score on Google and this is very important for your visibility and prestige. To support CCL this way, please go to: If you are a large corporation, it will make you look good and attract customers and prospective employees. If you are a smaller shop, or a consultant, it will bring you customers. The cost for this service is 100 USD a month or 1000 USD a year of displaying your logo/link on CCL Web page. Obviously, you are welcome to support several CCL pages and increase your visibility.
  • Buy a DVD with the copy of CCL Archives. CCL Web site contains more than 2 Gigabytes of "stuff" that accumulated through 15 years of CCL operation. The past messages, documents, software and data from CCL are much easier and faster to search and browse on your local computer with your own copy of CCL archives than through the Web. You can have the latest snapshot of CCL Archives for only 250 USD. CCL Internet connection is relatively slow and shell access if by necessity restricted. There is no more convenient way of searching through the Gigabytes of files than on your local computer with utilities like: find, grep, or recursive listings of directories. This cannot be allowed currently via Web interface since it would place an unacceptable load on the CCL server and would also compromise the security of the Web server. But with your own copy of CCL Archives, you can scan CCL any way you want. Order it at:
  • Upload Files to CCL Archives. Please upload software, papers, write-ups, data compilations, input/output examples, scripts, text processing utilities, images, manuals, demos, etc., etc. Use the Upload Web Form and provide description and keywords so your contribution can be easily found by browsing or searching the CCL Archives. The science is not only about discovery but also about educating, sharing and archiving knowledge. If you are still not convinced, please read the: Uploading files: tips and motivation.
  • Other ways to support CCL -- I am working on several other pages and services (e.g., consultants advertising, adding links to list of sites, placing ads in the footer of CCL message, prescreening job applications, selling commercial software, running closed discussion forums or electronics newsletter services, etc.). If you need these or other services, please talk to me. I will gladly consider your ideas and needs. The only way that CCL can be developed and face challenges of today's Internet is that someone spends time on it and provides it with connectivity and capable hardware.

Thank you for your support!

Modified: Wed Aug 21 01:52:47 2024 GMT
Page accessed 290231 times since Mon Apr 19 16:29:12 1999 GMT