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# as    (17s13p6d) / [6s5p2d]     {842111/64111/51}
# SCF energy is    -2234.1913141770 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000017)
# R. Ahlrichs, Sept. 93
   8  s
  498032.42158      .22740196900E-03
  74656.868743      .17632816413E-02
  16990.960004      .91728040381E-02
  4809.6200321      .37337829344E-01
  1566.2887055      .12199536117
  563.21360499      .29137475324
  219.11179978      .42326351479
  86.866061030      .22921464278
   4  s
  538.19512479     -.25254197297E-01
  167.14850224     -.11915461115
  27.605517159      .54628495980
  11.947858521      .53001520976
   2  s
  18.538023133     -.23479188136
  3.2018985739      .69167053428
   1  s
  1.4356522077      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .31837805200      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .11622632186      1.0000000000
   6  p
  2678.9421546      .23318955287E-02
  634.61765840      .19042149977E-01
  203.93967606      .90229744913E-01
  76.323890369      .26169037693
  30.664124943      .41857168155
  12.505056732      .23447830190
   4  p
  49.256229549     -.21235539870E-01
  7.7274891466      .30470206668
  3.5410493476      .52888373107
  1.6985585501      .37272250955
   1  p
  .76848071044      1.0000000000
   1  p
  .30050823260      1.0000000000
   1  p
  .98190639437E-01  1.0000000000
   5  d
  135.33289305      .99291144106E-02
  39.860212744      .66568843496E-01
  14.446428359      .22275768307
  5.6432900356      .40309224382
  2.1668188623      .41671667946
   1  d
  .76514970569      .18935502288
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:45:04 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5479 times since Mon Jun 21 02:13:58 1999 GMT