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# o     (11s6p) / [5s3p]     {62111/411}
# SCF energy is      -74.8066858170 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
# A. Schaefer, Aug. 93
   6  s
  27032.382631      .21726302465E-03
  4052.3871392      .16838662199E-02
  922.32722710      .87395616265E-02
  261.24070989      .35239968808E-01
  85.354641351      .11153519115
  31.035035245      .25588953961
   2  s
  12.260860728      .39768730901
  4.9987076005      .24627849430
   1  s
  1.1703108158      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .46474740994      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .18504536357      1.0000000000
   4  p
  63.274954801      .60685103418E-02
  14.627049379      .41912575824E-01
  4.4501223456      .16153841088
  1.5275799647      .35706951311
   1  p
  .52935117943      .44794207502
   1  p
  .17478421270      .24446069663
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:58:02 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5349 times since Mon Jun 21 04:25:30 1999 GMT