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# b     (11s6p) / [5s3p]     {62111/411}
# SCF energy is      -24.5283415585 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
# A. Schaefer, Aug. 93
   6  s
  8564.8660687      .22837198155E-03
  1284.1516263      .17682576447E-02
  292.27871604      .91407080516E-02
  82.775469176      .36342638989E-01
  27.017939269      .11063458441
  9.8149619660      .23367344321
   2  s
  3.9318559059      .41818777978
  1.6595599712      .22325473798
   1  s
  .35762965239      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .14246277496      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .60560594768E-01  1.0000000000
   4  p
  22.453875803      .50265575179E-02
  5.1045058330      .32801738965E-01
  1.4986081344      .13151230768
  .50927831315      .33197167769
   1  p
  .18147077798      .47314319570
   1  p
  .64621893904E-01  .25802783943
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:45:32 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5430 times since Mon Jun 21 03:23:07 1999 GMT