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# f     (11s6p) / [5s3p]     {62111/411}
# SCF energy is      -99.4053675904 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999999)
# A. Schaefer, Aug. 93
   6  s
  35479.100441      .21545014888E-03
  5318.4728983      .16700686527E-02
  1210.4810975      .86733211476E-02
  342.85518140      .35049933175E-01
  112.01943181      .11165320133
  40.714740248      .25988506647
   2  s
  16.039678111      .39422966880
  6.5038186740      .24998238551
   1  s
  1.5440477509      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .61223452862      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .24027979698      1.0000000000
   4  p
  80.233900483      .63685999134E-02
  18.594010743      .44303143530E-01
  5.6867902653      .16867248708
  1.9511006294      .36166346255
   1  p
  .66970211298      .44202901491
   1  p
  .21651300410      .24319875730
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 14:49:12 1998 GMT
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