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Educational Materials for Organic Chemistry
Educational Materials for Organic Chemistry

Table 1: Adjustable Values

Previous pH7 Current pH 1
Previous Temperature25 degrees C Current Temperature25 degrees C
Previous Volume Water1000 mL Current Volume Water1000 mL

Table 2: Values Affected by Changes in Table 1

Previous Concentration A 8E-06 M Current Concentration A 0.099 M Change in Concentration A 0.099 M
Previous Concentration B 0.1 M Current Concentration B 0.0012 M Change in Concentration B -0.099 M
Previous pKa2.902 Current pKa2.902 Change in pKa0

Explore different combinations of reaction conditions to determine how changes affect the position of equilibria. Try changing only one variable at a time initially.

Select the next pH.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Select the next temperature.

15 20 25 30 35

Select the next volume of water.

10 L 1 L 100 mL 10 mL

If you have explored a variable and thought about why it affects equilibria in the way you have observed, click one of the explanatory links below

Modified: Wed Nov 11 15:34:41 1998 GMT
Page accessed 1545 times since Mon May 3 13:44:26 1999 GMT