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Message 14
From Mon Sep 23 08:49:00 EDT 1996
Date:     Mon, 23 Sep 96 7:52:14 EDT
From: George R Famini   <>
Subject: 97.09.07 ACS Las Vegas

American Chemical Society
Computers in Chemistry Division
Las Vegas Meeting, September 7-11, 1997



American Chemical Society

Computers in Chemistry Division (COMP)

"Internet for the Practicing Chemist"

214th National American Chemical Society Meeting

Las Vegas, NV, September 7-11, 1997

Division of Computers in Chemistry (COMP) of the American Chemical Society cordially invites you to present a paper at the symposium "Internet for the Practicing Chemist" to be held at the National ACS Meeting in Las Vegas, Sept. 7-11, 1997. ABSTRACT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE APRIL 18, 1997.

The scope of the symposium is broadly defined as "Use of Internet in Chemistry" and possible topics include (listed here without any priority in mind): Internet in education and distance learning, legal and business aspects of the Internet, standards and applications for publishing and presenting information on the Internet (e.g., CGI, CML, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MIME, VRML, etc., etc.), tools for conferences and collaboration over the Internet, managing information resources on the Internet, research uses of the Internet, and studies on the impact of Internet in chemistry. Please indicate how much time should be allocated for your presentation, and what special equipment you may require. I would like to encourage authors to prepare material for their presentation in Web form. The details of depositing this material will be provided to the authors at a later date.

The abstracts should be submitted on the original abstract form (please submit 4 copies). You can obtain this form electronically (an MS-WORD template) from: or request the hardcopy from ACS via e-mail ( or Web ( You can also submit abstracts via a Web form directly to me: If nothing works, I may try to retype a few abstracts (Max. 150 Words!!!) on the original form if I get them early enough and in an electronic form (plain text) via e-mail. Include all additional information requested on the form, i.e., names and addresses of all coauthors, presenting author phone, FAX, and e-mail, and ACS Division membership.

The COMP Division does not provide financial support for travel expenses for speakers. However, if you have some prospective sponsors, they will get due credit and acknowledgment during the symposium, their support will be acknowledged in the Web site resulting from the symposium, and I will be more than willing to write a solicitation letter as a Session Chairman to the prospective sponsor. Please contact me if such an opportunity exists in your case.

Jan K. Labanowski, Ph.D.
Ohio Supercomputer Center
1224 Kinnear Rd
Columbus, OH 43212
e-mail: <A HREF=""><code></code></A><br> FAX: 614/292-7168
Phone: 614/292-9279

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS -- Electronic Notebooks

From Wed Apr 9 02:44 EDT 1997 Received: from for by (8.8.3/950822.1) id CAA16749; Wed, 9 Apr 1997 02:44:12 -0400 (EDT) Received: from lysa ( []) by (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id BAA24256; Wed, 9 Apr 1997 01:38:28 -0500 Message-Id: <> X-Sender: X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32) Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 03:04:31 -0400 To: From: "Rich Lysakowski, Ph.D." <> Subject: Call for Papers - ACS Symposium on "Electronic Notebooks, Collaborative Computing and Internets/Intranets in Science" - the deadline is approaching Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 2294 Status: RO Dear Colleague, The 7th International Symposium on "Electronic Notebooks, Collaborative Computing and Internets/Intranets in Science" will be at the ACS Meeting in Las Vegas. THE DEADLINE IS APPROACHING FAST (APRIL 15TH - One week away!!) A few days extension may be possible. If you are doing interesting things with electronic notebooks, groupware, document management, the world wide web or Intranets, or collaborative computing, or LIMS in R&D and scientific applications that you would like to share with other scientists, information specialists, or other professionals working in lab automation, chemical or bioinformatics, intellectual property protection, or related fields... PLEASE SUBMIT A PAPER! ATTACHED IS THE ABSTRACT FORM! [UUENCODED MS-Word for Windows V6.0 template] GENERAL INFORMATION - About the 214th ACS National Meeting The 214th ACS national meeting in Las Vegas will be held September 7-11. The program will appear on this site in addition to the June 2 and August 4, 1997 issues of Chemical and Engineering News. Information on the Las Vegas meeting will be posted as it becomes available. American Chemical Society Meetings Department 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Phone: (202) 872-4396 Fax: (202) 872-6128 IF YOU WANT TO PRESENT A PAPER AT THE SYMPOSIUM Download the abstract form either from the ACS website at: See this next ACS Web link if you don't know how to fill out one of these forms. DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS The deadline for abstracts is April 15th. PLEASE SEND COPIES OF YOUR ABSTRACT AS A FILE ATTACHMENT TO: Rich Lysakowski at "" [Symposium Chairman] Charlie Gragg at "" [ACS CINF Division Chairman] HISTORY OF THE SYMPOSIUM SERIES In 1992 Steve Schmidt and Rich Lysakowski committed to host a series of symposia at various international venues to catalyze the creation and acceptance of electronic notebooks and related systems in science. We decided a dozen symposia held over a ten-year period would suffice to "make it happen." We've had six symposia so far and we are most of the way there now. ======================================================= Program Chair: George R. Famini, U.S. Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, SCBRD-ASI, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; Voice: (410)671-2552; Fax: (410)671-5373; email: Four (4) copies of 150-word abstract (Original on ACS Abstract Form) are due by April 19, 1997 to respective session or symposium chairperson. Computational Tools for Rational Drug Design - Dr. Abby Parrill, Chemistry Department, Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry Laboratory, The University of Arizona, email:, and Dr. M. Rami Reddy, Gensia Inc., 9390 Towne Centre Drive, SanDiego, CA 92121; voice: (619)-622-3851; fax: (619)-622-4184; email: Combined Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Methods - Dr. Jiali Gao, Department of Chemistry, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, email:; Mark A. Thompson, Molecular Science Research Center,Pacific Northwest Laboratory, PO Box 999, Mail Stop K1-96 Richland, WA., 99352 , voice: 509-375-6734 FAX : 509-375-6631;email: Structure Based Drug Design: Chemistry and Biology - Dr. Tomi Sawyer, Parke Davis Pharmaceutical Research, 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105, phone (313)998-2811; fax: (313)998-2782; email: New Methods in Computational Chemistry - Dr. Herschel Weintraub, RW Johnson Co. 1000 Route 202,Raritan, NJ 08869; phone: (908)704-5835; fax: (908)725-4264; email: weintraubh@alloy.bitnet. Multidimensional Data Visualization - Dr. Frank K. Brown, Oxford Molecular Group, Chapel Hill, NC 27516; Voice: (919)-968-8815; Fax: (919)962-6401; email: Solvation Models: Applications and Theory - Dr. John McKelvey, Research Labs, Eastman-Kodak Co., Rochester, NY, 14650; Voice: (716)477-3335; email: Internet for the Practicing Chemist - Dr. Jan Labonowski, Ohio Supercomputer Center, 1224 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH 43212; Phone: 614-292-9279; FAX: 614-292-7168; e-mail: Electrostatic Effects in Chemistry - Dr. Donald Truhlar, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; phone: (612)624- 7555; fax: (612)624-9390; email: Dr. Christopher Cramer, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; phone: (612) (612)624-0859; fax: (612)626-9390; email: General Computational Chemistry - Poster and/or Oral Sessions and Electronic Posters- Dr. George R. Famini, US Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, SCBRD-ASI, APG, MD 21010; voice: 410)671-2552; Fax: (410)671-2014; email: =============================================================== >From Thu Mar 20 21:35 EST 1997 Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 21:48:00 -0500 To: Catalysis.&.Fuels.Researchers:; From: Chunshan Song <> Subject: Call for Papers - Sym Catal Fuel Proc & Environ Protect Dear Colleagues in Catalysis and Fuels Research: American Chemical Society (ACS) is organizing a Symposium on Catalysis in Fuel Processing and Environmental Protection to be held at the 214th ACS National Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, during September 7-11, 1997. This symposium is being co-sponsored by three ACS Divisions: Petroleum Chemistry, Fuel Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry Divisions. The organizing committee would like to invite you to contribute a paper related to catalytic fuel processing and/or environmental protections. We hope that with your participation and contribution, this symposium will foster the advances in fundamental understanding and practical applications of catalytic fuel processing and environmental catalysis. The due dates for abstracts and preprints are April 21, and May 9, respectively. More information on the topics and submission is given in the attached Call-for-Papers. Please contact one of the following organizers should you have any questions. Our e-mail, fax, & tel numbers are given in the attached call for papers. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Chunshan Song Fuel Science Program, Penn State University Michael Klein Dept of Chem Eng, University of Delaware Byron Johnson Borger Refinery Technical Center, Philips Petroleum Company John Reynolds Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ACS abstract forms can be requested either from ACS Meetings Service, or from one of the co-chairs at the address below: ____________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************** Symposium on Catalysis in Fuel Processing and Environmental Protection Las Vegas, NV, September 7-11, 1997 Sponsored by American Chemical Society, Divisions of Petroleum Chemistry, Fuel Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry; as a Part of 214th ACS National Meeting in Las Vegas ____________________________________________________________________ Topics: This symposium focuses on 1) advances in catalysis and processes for making clean fuels and transportation fuels, and 2) catalysis and processes for environmental protection related to fuel conversion and utilization. Suggested topics for catalytic fuel processing include, but are not limited to: a) catalysis, reaction chemistry, kinetics and modeling for fuel processing b) catalysts, reactions and catalytic processes for reformulated fuels c) catalytic upgrading of heavy oils and residual oils d) catalytic reactions and processes for synthetic fuels e) catalytic conversion and coprocessing of coals and other solid fossil fuels f) computer simulation of catalysis and process for fuel conversion and utilization Suggested topics for environmental protection include, but are not limited to: a) removal of sulfur and aromatics from gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel b) new approaches for deep desulfurization and deep hydrogenation c) reduction of NOx, SOx, and VOCs from flue gases and auto emissions d) conversion and utilization of carbon dioxide and methane e) other environmental issues related to fuel processing and utilization Deadlines: Abstracts (4 copies, with original on ACS abstract form) are due by April 21, 1997. Please contact the organizers if you need the original ACS abstract form. Preprints (4 hard copies on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets, and a soft copy on a computer disk) are due by May 9, 1997. Instruction for Authors will be provided to those who intend to submit a paper. Publication of Preprint Papers: The papers to be presented at this symposium will be preprinted in ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry Preprints Volume 42, No. 3/4, 1997. Publication of Full Papers: The authors are encouraged, but not required, to submit three (3) copies of full manuscripts for peer review after the ACS symposium, by October 1, 1997. Full manuscripts of selected papers that pass through the peer review will be published in a special issue of the international journal Catalysis Today in 1998. Registration and Hotel Information: Since this symposium is a part of the ACS National Meeting in Las Vegas, the registration and housing information will be made available from ACS Headquarters and sent to all ACS members in the due course. We will send such information to contributing authors when it becomes available. Inquires or letter of intent to present paper, and the submission of abstracts and preprint papers should be directed to one of the following co-organizers: Symposium Co-organizers: Dr. Chunshan Song, Fuel Science Program, Pennsylvania State University, 209 Academic Projects Bldg., Univ. Park, PA 16802-2303, USA, phone: 1-814-863-4466; fax: 1-814-865-3075; E-mail: Dr. Michael T. Klein, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA, Tel: 302-831-8155; Fax: 302-831-1048; E-mail: Dr. Byron Johnson, Phillips Petroleum Borger Refinery, 212 Technical Center, Borger, TX 79008, Tel: 806-275-1351; Fax: 806-275-1346 Dr. John G. Reynolds, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Heavy Crude Oil Processing, P.O. Box 808, L-365, Livermore, CA 94551-9900, USA, Tel: 510-422-6028; Fax: 510-423-4289; E-mail: ******************************************************************** Fuel Science Program & Lab for Hydrocarbon Proc Chem Pennsylvania State University 209 Academic Projects Bldg Univ Park, PA 16802-2303, USA Tel: 814-863-4466 / Fax: 814-865-3075 E-Mail: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
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