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# RCS #####################################################################
# $Id: h,v 1.4 1992/08/27 16:30:53 ansgar Exp $  
# $Log: h,v $
# Revision 1.4  1992/08/27  16:30:53  ansgar
# Basissatzverweise muessen das Elementsymbol enthalten.
# Revision 1.3  1992/08/14  10:58:01  chris
# comments to additional p-GTO
# Revision 1.2  1992/08/12  14:41:50  chris
# Polarisationsfunktionen SVP, DZP, TZP
# Revision 1.1  1992/04/28  11:06:25  cd02
# Initial revision
# RCS #####################################################################
#                         (fully optimized)
h DZ
h SV
# h     (4s) / [2s]     {31}
# SCF energy is        -.4992784057 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000002)
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
    3  s
    13.010701      .19682158E-01
    1.9622572      .13796524
    .44453796      .47831935
    1  s
    .12194962      1.0000000
-> h DZ
-> h P
h TZ
# h     (5s) / [3s]     {311}
# SCF energy is        -.4998098322 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999999)
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
    3  s
    34.061341      .60251978E-02
    5.1235746      .45021094E-01
    1.1646626      .20189726
    1  s
    .32723041      1.0000000
    1  s
    .10307241      1.0000000
-> h TZ
-> h P
h P
# additional p-GTO
# Ref.: R. Ahlrichs 13.08.92
  1  p
 .80   1.00
h (6s)[3s]
# h     (6s) / [3s]     {411}
# SCF energy is        -.4999455704 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
    4  s
    82.921568      .19976410E-02
    12.452392      .15281356E-01
    2.8330483      .75305332E-01
    .80000884      .25632406
    1  s
    .25859439      .49762555
    1  s
    .89968919E-01  .29676903
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 4s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4992784057 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000002)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 4s E(2S)=-.499277
# Huzinaga JCP 42 (1965) 1293
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    13.010701      .19682158E-01
#    1.9622572      .13796524
#    .44453796      .47831935
#    .12194962      .50110717
#  eigenvalue       -.4992784
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 5s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4998098322 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999999)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 5s E(2S)=-.499809
# Huzinaga JCP 42 (1965) 1293
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    34.061341      .60251978E-02
#    5.1235746      .45021094E-01
#    1.1646626      .20189726
#    .32723041      .50304112
#    .10307241      .38545729
#  eigenvalue       -.4998098
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 6s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999455704 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 6s E(2S)=-.499940
# Huzinaga JCP 42 (1965) 1293
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    82.921568      .19976410E-02
#    12.452392      .15281356E-01
#    2.8330483      .75305332E-01
#    .80000884      .25632406
#    .25859439      .49762555
#    .89968919E-01  .29676903
#  eigenvalue       -.4999456
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 7s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999832978 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 7s E(2S)=-.499976
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    190.69169      .70815167E-03
#    28.605532      .54678827E-02
#    6.5095943      .27966605E-01
#    1.8412455      .10764538
#    .59853725      .29889714
#    .21397624      .47406803
#    .80316286E-01  .22939527
#  eigenvalue       -.4999833
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 8s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999945614 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 8s E(2S)=-.4999913
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    418.56108023      .26559371134E-03
#    62.745732323      .20587539328E-02
#    14.279648916      .10694900525E-01
#    4.0418299129      .43337803547E-01
#    1.3163925229      .13974307217
#    .47346270504      .32952868476
#    .18280016580      .44067060910
#    .72884437787E-01  .17825479274
#  eigenvalue          -.4999946
#  occupation          1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 10s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999993320 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# derived from Huzinaga 10s E(2S)=-.4999986
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    1802.8548      .42878874E-04
#    270.07261      .33319294E-03
#    61.465661      .17480315E-02
#    17.407481      .73196598E-02
#    5.6768096      .25973617E-01
#    2.0477698      .78920148E-01
#    .79739918      .19730189
#    .32953444      .35975171
#    .14224675      .36399990
#    .62123669E-01  .10947415
#  eigenvalue       -.4999993
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 12s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999999038 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#    exponents        coefficients
#                      1s
#    6880.5367      .80415227E-05
#    1031.2066      .62447067E-04
#    234.86095      .32802248E-03
#    66.562207      .13826837E-02
#    21.722975      .50097274E-02
#    7.8436151      .16098740E-01
#    3.0592231      .46221226E-01
#    1.2684937      .11629703
#    .55277992      .24112289
#    .25077055      .35923659
#    .11707778      .29047731
#    .54643611E-01  .68710608E-01
#  eigenvalue       -.4999999
#  occupation       1.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  H(2S) 14s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is        -.4999999843 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000003)
#     a = 0      b = 0
# H. Horn, Aug. 91
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    24376.222309      .16555054314E-05
#    3649.5094657      .12875041554E-04
#    830.46309990      .67738765443E-04
#    235.22680618      .28623786993E-03
#    76.742992645      .10431521668E-02
#    27.704123900      .34022541510E-02
#    10.803123401      .10126760872E-01
#    4.4783545984      .27684663581E-01
#    1.9517058105      .68845769965E-01
#    .88708810772      .15061948419
#    .41781342206      .26937923362
#    .20263443074      .34034468511
#    .10023537483      .22879974532
#    .49195193604E-01  .44370019072E-01
#  eigenvalue          -.5000000
#  occupation          1.0000000
#============================== EHT start vectors ============================#
$ehtdef    definitions=  1
2S(DZ)   basis=h DZ
2S(DZ)   ehtdata   (4d20.14)
# SCF energy is        -.4992784057 a.u.
     1  s      eigenvalue=-.49927840571435D+00   nsaos=2
 .58778179482347D+00 .50110716746371D+00
Modified: Fri May 13 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 7455 times since Sat Apr 17 21:39:58 1999 GMT