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# RCS #####################################################################
# $Id: he,v 1.3 1992/08/27 16:30:53 ansgar Exp $  
# $Log: he,v $
# Revision 1.3  1992/08/27  16:30:53  ansgar
# Basissatzverweise muessen das Elementsymbol enthalten.
# Revision 1.2  1992/08/14  11:10:25  chris
# basissets SVP, DZP
# Revision 1.1  1992/04/28  11:06:28  cd02
# Initial revision
# RCS #####################################################################
#                   BASIS SET LIBRARY FOR HELIUM
#                         (fully optimized)
#       HF limit : E(1S) = -2.861680 a.u. (C. Froese Fischer, 1977)
he DZ
he SV
# he    (4s) / [2s]     {31}
# SCF energy is       -2.8551604793 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
# H. Horn, Jan. 92
   3  s
  38.354936737      .23814288905E-01
  5.7689081479      .15490906777
  1.2399407035      .46998096633
   1  s
  .29757815953      1.0000000000
he DZP
he SVP
-> he DZ
-> he P
he TZ
# he    (5s) / [3s]     {311}
# SCF energy is       -2.8598954257 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# H. Horn, Jan. 92
   3  s
  98.078321616      .75803064967E-02
  14.764404247      .54848620937E-01
  3.3185831473      .22074382186
   1  s
  .87413869551      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .24459897208      1.0000000000
he TZP
-> he TZ
-> he P
he P
# additional p-GTO
# Ref.: R. Ahlrichs 13.08.92
   1  p
  1.000   1.000
he (6s)[3s]
# he    (6s) / [3s]     {411}
# SCF energy is       -2.8611533453 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# H. Horn, Jan. 92
   4  s
  234.06372361      .25863029562E-02
  35.174049102      .19523884266E-01
  7.9911142747      .90981807824E-01
  2.2124231186      .27200557563
   1  s
  .66706986189      1.0000000000
   1  s
  .20894755378      1.0000000000
# atomic SCF calculation of ---> He(1S) 4s (uncontracted) <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8551604793 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000001)
# obtained from Huzinaga 4s E(1S)=-2.855160382 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    38.354936737      .23814288905E-01
#    5.7689081479      .15490906777
#    1.2399407035      .46998096633
#    .29757815953      .51301521330
#  eigenvalue          -.9141507
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 5s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8598954257 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# obtained from Huzinaga 5s E(1S)=-2.859894933 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    98.078321616      .75803064967E-02
#    14.764404247      .54848620937E-01
#    3.3185831473      .22074382186
#    .87413869551      .48742593914
#    .24459897208      .39750711410
#  eigenvalue          -.9168701
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 6s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8611533453 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# obtained from Huzinaga 6s E(1S)=-2.861116390 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    234.06372361      .25863029562E-02
#    35.174049102      .19523884266E-01
#    7.9911142747      .90981807824E-01
#    2.2124231186      .27200557563
#    .66706986189      .47802176741
#    .20894755378      .30784743973
#  eigenvalue          -.9176246
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 7s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8615142282 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# obtained from Huzinaga 7s E(1S)=-2.86149113 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    529.19199478      .93806508295E-03
#    79.421433857      .72016684341E-02
#    18.073670541      .35919229953E-01
#    5.0913042043      .12765090615
#    1.6104840113      .30837189372
#    .53666299546      .45313580467
#    .18337404236      .23909631548
#  eigenvalue          -.9178486
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 8s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8616248392 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# obtained from Huzinaga 8s E(1S)=-2.861609442 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    1144.6470809      .35861578618E-03
#    171.64596667      .27725434466E-02
#    39.066056254      .14241892216E-01
#    11.051401989      .55457352277E-01
#    3.5725574473      .16170511810
#    1.2429415962      .33177883833
#    .44807668730      .42014033068
#    .16411579128      .18652273014
#  eigenvalue          -.9179192
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 9s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8616607350 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# obtained from Huzinaga 9s E(1S)=-2.86165232 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    2385.3120974      .14345178176E-03
#    357.49601374      .11124932338E-02
#    81.362445472      .57884315617E-02
#    23.036114463      .23545943567E-01
#    7.4979686738      .76670873521E-01
#    2.6721333459      .19146237356
#    1.0001530666      .34464927665
#    .38443158848      .38369698540
#    .14906312523      .14624778510
#  eigenvalue          -.9179426
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 10s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8616729784 a.u. (virial theorem =  1.999999998)
# obtained from Huzinaga 10s E(1S)=-2.861669230 by reoptimization
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    4814.6716358     -.59679760329E-04
#    721.30145514     -.46351494398E-03
#    164.15096845     -.24258211306E-02
#    46.484730971     -.10068382091E-01
#    15.155359406     -.34743762390E-01
#    5.4514941291     -.98245704912E-01
#    2.0913481007     -.21630336996
#    .83027343650     -.34923409013
#    .33669866918     -.34668754895
#    .13694825656     -.11526644871
#  eigenvalue          -.9179508
#  occupation          2.0000000
# atomic SCF calculation of --->  He(1S) 12s (uncontracted)  <---
# SCF energy is       -2.8616789571 a.u. (virial theorem =  2.000000000)
# H.Horn, Jan. 92
#     exponents         coefficients
#                         1s
#    18090.120065      .11418815376E-04
#    2709.1178842      .88772362512E-04
#    616.52601505      .46646091211E-03
#    174.62035515      .19631138872E-02
#    56.962936991      .70666924686E-02
#    20.560179126      .22274000464E-01
#    8.0088790177      .60865066957E-01
#    3.2990643602      .13869490855
#    1.4073232012      .25156787873
#    .61209345074      .34077008845
#    .27021455576      .27715625027
#    .11860485465      .72728333286E-01
#  eigenvalue          -.9179548
#  occupation          2.0000000
#============================== EHT start vectors ============================#
$ehtdef    definitions=  1
1S(DZ)   basis=he DZ
1S(DZ)   ehtdata   (4d20.14)
# SCF energy is       -2.8551604793 a.u.
     1  s      eigenvalue=-.91415073811713D+00   nsaos=2
 .59263273656581D+00 .51301521330141D+00
Modified: Fri May 13 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 7405 times since Sat Apr 17 21:39:58 1999 GMT