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From Tue Aug 29 17:01 EDT 1995
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Organization: Beilstein Information Systems
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 13:54:23 
Sender: Computational Chemistry List 


August 28,  1995

For Immediate Release

Ref.: Jorge Manrique, Beilstein Information Systems                           
Tel: 415 358-9091    

            CrossFireplusReactions(TM) and The Beilstein Commander(TM)
              Enthusiastically Received by Chemists at ACS-Chicago

Chicago, IL  --CrossFireplusReactions, a fully integrated reactions database,
and the Beilstein Commander, a graphical client that provides a unified
interface to the entire Beilstein suite of products, were unveiled last week at
the 110th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago.

The comments of researchers who had an opportunity to visit the Beilstein booth
can be summed up as follows: CrossFireplusReactions running under the Commander
delivers the  performance of CrossFire, with the comprehensive coverage and
quality only Beilstein can provide.

The Beilstein Commander is a graphical interface designed to integrate the
complete Beilstein suite of products in one coherent unit. All interapplication
communication is handled transparently to the user.  The Beilstein Commander
runs on PC computers under Microsoft Windows 3.x, the newly released Windows
95, and on Macintosh computers under System 7.5.

CrossFireplusReactions complements the CrossFire system and delivers a complete
in-house information solution.   The realization of a vision of chemical
information, it breaks down artificially created barriers to information about
SUBSTANCES  (molecules and properties), REACTIONS  and CITATIONS.  For the
first time, scientists are able to search and display information in the way
which is most intuitive to them -- letting the format adapt to their
requirements.  Here, truly, is information at your fingertips.

The Beilstein paradigm of chemical information management involves three
mutually inclusive domains: Substances, Reactions and Citations.  When you
review the results of your search in the context of the substances domain, you
get the chemical structure and ALL its properties, detailed in up to 350 data
fields.  If you are interested in how to synthesize a molecule, or wish to see
how a structure (or substructure) participates in reactions, the reactions
domain presents to you the chemical reactions, reactions' conditions, and
literature references.  If, from there, you switch to the citations domain, you
see ALL the reactions written in the paper that reported the reaction in which
you were originally interested.

Hyperlinks present in substances, reactions and citations, allow for even more
direct and effortless navigation between the various sources of information.

The structure search system developed for CrossFire has been extended to
include reaction sub-structure searching:  you can define the role of a
structure or sub-structure in the reaction, and search using reaction
attributes such as reaction centers, bond fate, and atom-atom mapping.  An
intuitive interface allows easy creation of reaction queries.  The unique
mapping tool, one of many innovations developed for CrossFireplusReactions,
provides the simplest and most elegant way to define chemical reactions.

Starting with about ten million reactions, with about 300,000  more to come
each year, CrossFireplusReactions is the largest and most comprehensive
database of chemical reactions available.  Reaction conditions such as solvent,
temperature, coreactants, catalysts, yield, etc. are displayed with the
results, and are also fully searchable as part of the query.  As could be
expected from Beilstein, all reactions have complete literature citations, and
these, also, are fully searchable.

Chemists involved in organic synthesis and reaction planning, find in Beilstein
an indispensable tool for daily research.  Scientists seeking to optimize
reaction schemes, have turned to the wealth of data available in
CrossFireplusReactions  as the optimal solution.

CrossFireplusReactions employs RISC technology, a new structure indexing
system, and a revolutionary search engine to bring close to 10 million organic
reactions and their associated properties and literature references in-house. 
The client-server system links RISC data servers with clients running on
Windows based IBM PC compatible machines and Macintosh computers.

Clemens Jochum, Managing Director of Beilstein Information Systems remarked:
"Our customers have been looking for a high quality solution to their organic
synthesis needs.  To date, there is no other information system that can
approximate the capabilities of CrossFireplusReactions in richness of the
knowledge base, or in the performance of the search engine."

Beilstein Informationssysteme GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, and
Beilstein Information Systems, Inc., with offices in Englewood, Colorado, also
market the Beilstein Handbook  of Organic Chemistry: the world's leading
authority on organic chemical information.

CrossFire, CrossFireplusReactions, and the Beilstein Commander are trademarks
of Beilstein Information Systems.  All other trademarks are the property of their holders.

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