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From Tue Feb 21 05:11:17 1995
From: (Pornthep Sompornpisut)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: CCL:Information on MolScript (summary)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 10:03:17 +0100 (NFT)

Dear Colleague,

Here is the file written by Per Kraulis (the Author of MolScript).
Contact him for further information...

Your sincerely,

Thanks for your interest in my program MolScript.

This is a description of how to obtain the program.

* Print, read and sign the license agreement.

* Send the signed hard-copy license agreement to me (address below).

* Choose one of the alternatives below for means of distribution
  and act accordingly.

* There is no fee for academic researchers. Of course, I do expect
  proper recognition in publications (see license).

* Companies must pay a fee of 2,000 pound sterling (GBP). Otherwise,
  the conditions are basically the same as for academics.

Alternative 1: e-mail using uuencode

The e-mail distribution consists of an uuencoded compressed tar file
(about 800 KB) containing source code, documentation, makefiles and
example input files. The file was made on an SGI system, but can be
handled on SUN, ULTRIX and ESV machines (and probably other UNIX
systems as well).

When you have put the signed license agreement in the post, you may
contact me (e-mail see below) to tell me so, and I will e-mail back
the distribution.

Alternative 2: anonymous FTP

The anonymous FTP distribution consists of a compressed tar file
(molscript.tar.Z, about 580 KB) containing source code, documentation,
makefiles and example input files. The file was made on an SGI system,
but can be handled on SUN, ULTRIX and ESV machines (and probably other
UNIX systems as well).

When you have put the signed license agreement in the post, you may
contact me (e-mail see below) to give me the Internet number (name
address is usually not enough) for the machine that I should transfer
the MolScript distribution file to.

If you do not have anonymous FTP set up on your machine, then another
account may be used. However, then I will have to have the password
for that account. In such a case, use fax to send account and password
to me, which is more secure than sending it over the net. I promise
not to use this account for anything else than transferring MolScript.

There is currently no way for you to access my FTP site.

Alternative 3: from a friend

If you know of someone that you can easily get the MolScript program
from, then you may do so if and only if the following conditions hold: 

1) You have read, signed and posted the license agreement to me.
2) You will let me know of what you are doing and the name of the
   person that you are getting the program from.
3) You tell the person you are getting the program from that you have
  signed the license, and that you are telling me (PK) about what you
  are doing.
4) The person you are getting the program from is perfectly willing to
   spend time doing this, and you are not imposing yourself on
   him/her. If in doubt, contact me instead.

If you get the program in this way, be sure to get both the forlib and
molscript directories, since both are needed to recompile the program. 

Not an alternative: tape

I no longer distribute MolScript via tape. It simply takes too much time
for me to handle tapes. Exceptions to this can be made only in extreme
circumstances, and only after discussion with me.

General information

The program is written in pure Fortran 77. Only the Silicon Graphics
IRIS version is supported with a makefile. The source code was written
to be as system-independent as possible. It should not be too
difficult to port the MolScript program to other systems, provided
there is a decent Fortran 77 compiler and run-time system.

There are makefiles and forlib procedures for SUN and ULTRIX, although
no guarantees are given; these are not kept up to date
anymore. However, the source code and makefiles will most probably
work for other systems as well, such as ESV and IBM RS6000. For
VAX/VMS, the i/o logical units in the source code will have to be
changed. This you will have to do yourself.

The Raster3D package is not part of the distribution. This package you
will have to fetch yourself from the anonymous ftp site (IP

Yours sincerely,
Per Kraulis

Per Kraulis, Ph.D.
Biopharmaceuticals, N62:5     phone: +46 (8) 695 78 34
S-112 87 Stockholm            fax:   +46 (8) 695 40 82
SWEDEN                        e-mail:
"Nothing is more difficult than simplicity." Unattributed.

and here the mentioned license.academic file ...

     License for MolScript v1.4

     This is a license for MolScript, academic software version 1.4
(copyright (C) 1993 Per Kraulis), a program for creating plots in PostScript
format of molecular structures.

     This license is to be signed by your institution (hereinafter referred
to as the "LICENSEE"), and returned to Per Kraulis (hereinafter referred to
as the "LICENSOR"). The computer program, including source code, documentation
and example input files, as well as any modifications or derivative works
made by the LICENSEE, are hereinafter referred to collectively as the


1.  A non-exclusive, non-transferable license is granted to the LICENSEE
to install and use the SOFTWARE on an appropriate computer system or systems
located at LICENSEE's institution to which the LICENSEE has authorized access.
Use of the SOFTWARE is restricted to LICENSEE and collaborators at his
institution who have agreed to accept the terms of this license.

2.  The LICENSOR retains ownership of all materials (including magnetic tape,
unless provided by the LICENSEE) and SOFTWARE delivered to LICENSEE. Any
modifications or derivative works based on the SOFTWARE are considered part
of the SOFTWARE and ownership thereof is retained by the LICENSOR, and are
to be made available to him upon request.

3.  The LICENSEE may make a reasonable number of copies of the SOFTWARE for
the purposes of backup, maintenance of the SOFTWARE, or development of
derivative works based on the SOFTWARE. These additional copies will carry
the copyright notice and will be controlled by this license, and will be
destroyed by the LICENSEE upon termination of this license.

4. The LICENSEE shall not use SOFTWARE for any purpose (research or otherwise)
that is supported by a "for profit" organization without prior written
authorization from the LICENSOR.

5.  The LICENSEE shall not disclose in any form either the delivered SOFTWARE
or any modifications or derivative works based on the SOFTWARE to third
parties without prior written authorization from the LICENSOR.

6.  If the LICENSEE receives a request to furnish all or any portion of the
SOFTWARE to any third party, he will not fulfill such a request, and will
refer it in writing to the LICENSOR.

7.  The LICENSEE agrees that the SOFTWARE is furnished on an "as is" basis,
and that the LICENSOR in no way warrants the SOFTWARE or any of its results
and is in no way liable for any use LICENSEE makes of the SOFTWARE.

8.  LICENSEE agrees that any reports or publications of results obtained with
the SOFTWARE will acknowledge its use by an appropriate citation. This would
refer to the following publication: Per J. Kraulis, "MOLSCRIPT: A Program
to Produce Both Detailed and Schematic Plots of Protein Structures",
Journal of Applied Crystallography (1991) vol 24, pp 946-950.

9.  The terms of this license shall not be limited in time.

     To evidence your acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth above,
please sign in the indicated space and return this letter to the LICENSOR.

Per Kraulis, PhD

_________________________  Date

_________________________________________________________________ Signature

_________________________________________________________________ Name

_________________________________________________________________ Institution

_________________________________________________________________ Address

_________________________________________________________________ FAX, e-mail

Modified: Tue Feb 21 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 4763 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:20 1999 GMT