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From Wed May 22 10:09 EDT 1996
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From: Joe Throop 
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Subject: C++ for Cray T3d
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 09:09:34 -0600 (CDT)
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The Photon C++ Compiler, now available from Kuck & Associates, solves many
of the performance problems of C++ that have kept it from wide adoption
for high performance computing.  Based on the analysis of the performance
problems of large C++ codes from industry and national laboratories,
Photon C++ optimizations allow the programmer to make use of object
oriented programming constructs and still attain the performance of 
hand-optimized C.

Photon C++ provides near draft standard syntax and a near draft standard C++
class library.  In addition, Photon C++ has Cfront 3.0 and 2.1 compatibility
modes for developers with legacy codes.  Photon C++ supports namespaces, 
exceptions, templates (with automatic instantiation), RTTI, STL, and the 
NCEG extension "restrict".

Photon C++ optimizes several paradigms used in object-oriented programming. 
Photon C++ automatically optimizes lightweight objects (objects that are 
created, used, and destroyed quickly), data abstractions (allowing the 
programmer to leave them in object-oriented form), and control flow to the 
most efficient form (allowing structured control flow to be maintained).  
Photon C++ eliminates redundant tests, allowing self-checking member 
functions to be used efficiently.

Photon C++ has been purchased by Los Alamos National Laboratory for use on the
Cray T3D, and has been purchased by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for
use on various workstations.  It has been adopted by LLNL for use in the ASCI 
project.  In order to read a press release for the Los Alamos T3D use of 
Photon, see the web pages listed below.

For a review of Photon C++ performance on benchmarks important for 
computational science and engineering, see the KAI web site at: _release/photon_t3d_96_2_21.html

Photon C++ is the only high performance C++ compiler that developers can use
across all of these development and production systems:  
     Digital Alpha Unix,
     HP 9000 UX,
     IBM RS/6000 AIX,
     SGI Irix (32 and 64 bit),
     SPARC-based Solaris 2, and
     Cray T3D (available spring 1996).

For more information contact Kuck & Associates, Inc., 1906 Fox Drive, 
Champaign, IL  61820-7334, USA;  email:;  phone: 
+1-217-356-2288;  FAX: +1-217-356-5199;  WWW:

Or you may call me directly for information:

Joe Throop				Director of Engineering
Kuck & Associates


Trademarks:  KAI and Photon C++ are trademarks of Kuck & Associates, Inc.  
All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective 

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