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           *      Try AMPAC 5.0 FREE and EASY for 30 Days!        *

Semichem announces a free thirty day trial - at your site - of its poweful 
AMPAC 5.0 with Graphical User Interface software package!  Why try AMPAC?
It is state-of-the-art in semiempirical methods and possses computational
capabilities and algorithms not found in other packages.  We think that once
you use AMPAC in your research, you'll better understand where the future of 
semiempirical methods is heading and how AMPAC fits into that research and
development effort.  And that's in addition to having acces to some of the 
most powerful yet easy to use computational chemistry software available.

If after 30 days you are not satisfied with AMPAC, simply erase it from your
computer.  If, on the other hand, you want to make a purchase, simply
contact us and we will keep you up and running without interuption.

To take advantage of this offer, simply fill out the form below and either 
afx or e-mail it to us.  You will then be sent instructions on how to obtain
your trial copy of AMPAC by ftp.  (Note that if you do not have ftp access
this offer of a trial is still open, but a media charge may apply.)

                            Andy Holder
                            7128 Summit
                          Shawnee, KS 66216
                        (913)268-3445  (fax)

-----   cut here   -----   cut here   -----   cut here   -----   cut here --

                     AMPAC 5.0 Demo Request Form

Name:              _______________________________
Mailing Address:   _______________________________

E-mail (required): _______________________________
Phone:             _______________________________
Fax:               _______________________________

Platform (limit one):
Silicon Graphics:  _____    IBM RS6000:  _____   Hewlett Packard:  ______
Convex:            _____    Sun:         _____   VAX/VMS:          ______
Alpha OpenVMS:     _____    Alpha OSF/1: _____   Cray:             ______

Hardware Info:
Type/Model Number:  ________________________
OS/RAM:             ________________________

Computational Chemistry software currently used:
Semiempirical:      ________________________
ab initio:          ________________________
Other:              ________________________

Modified: Tue Jan 24 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 4963 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:14 1999 GMT