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April 2, 1995
Contact:      Marcia Murakami
	      Hypercube, Inc.

Hypercube to Market SGI Version of HyperChem

ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - Hypercube, Inc. today announced that it has 
developed and will market, sell, and support a new *Silicon Graphics 
Version of HyperChem*.  The new X-Windows/Motif/GL version of HyperChem, 
to be referred to as 'Release 4.5 for SGI', is being introduced and shown 
off at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in 
Anaheim.  It will ship to customers in 90-120 days.

An earlier version of HyperChem, Release 2 for SGI, was previously 
marketed by Autodesk, Inc. through an exclusive agreement with Hypercube, 
Inc., but was removed from the market in 1993 in conjunction with 
Autodesk exiting the scientific software business.  Hypercube's software 
is now marketed directly by Hypercube, Inc. and sold through a channel of 
distributors and dealers.  "Many users were unhappy that the Autodesk SGI 
version was terminated leaving them with no upgrade path," said Dr. Neil 
S. Ostlund, President and CEO of Hypercube, Inc.  "We are very pleased to 
be able to bring back the SGI version, which was a very well received 
product.  SGI machines constitute an important platform for molecular 
modeling; we want to support that platform and continue doing so."

HyperChem Release 4.5 for SGI will have all the features of Release 2 for 
SGI plus essentially all of the new functionality that has been added to 
HyperChem since its first introduction in 1992.  These new features 
beyond Release 2 include vibrational analysis and IR spectroscopy, 
configuration interaction and UV Visible spectroscopy, ZINDO methods for 
transition metals, display of orbital energy diagrams, mixed molecular 
mechanics / quantum mechanics calculations, stereochemical constraints, 
ribbon display of macromolecules, restraining forces, and interactive 
setting of velocities for exploring chemical reactions.  In addition, 
many improvements have been made to the basic functionality, such as to 
the model builder.  Extensions have also been made to the basic 
functionality to include more inorganic-like systems and elements later 
in the periodic table.  Finally, the SGI version includes all the ab 
initio methodology that Hypercube is introducing into its new Release 4.5 
of HyperChem for Windows.  "HyperChem now supports ab initio SCF 
geometries and MP2 energies," said Yufei Guo, the principal developer of 
the ab initio package,  "This is the core functionality that 95% of our 
users want."

Hypercube had earlier introduced a client-server version of HyperChem 
that supported machines from SGI as computational servers connected to a 
network of PCs, where the desktop PC provides interaction and 
visualization.  That is, the "back ends" of HyperChem were available for 
SGI platforms while the "front end" ran on a PC.  The new SGI version of 
HyperChem adds an SGI front end to the total network picture.  The 
earlier back end servers still remain available but will be augmented by 
a new ab initio Unix back end, HyperGauss.

The commercial price of a one-license Release 4.5 of HyperChem for SGI 
will be $2995 while the government and academic price will be $1495.  
Volume discounts and site-licenses are available.


Hypercube is a privately held scientific software company incorporated in 
1985 and headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  Its principal 
product is HyperChem for Intel-based PCs running Microsoft Windows.  
Other products include ChemPlus, a set of extensions to HyperChem, and 
HyperNMR, a package that performs a priori quantum mechanical simulation 
of NMR spectra.  A Windows NT version of HyperChem is also available for 
the Digital Equipment Corporation Alpha PC, as are client-server versions 
of HyperChem that use UNIX computational servers from Silicon Graphics, 
Digital Equipment Corporation, and IBM.

HyperChem is a molecular modeling software product noted for its ease of 
use.  It is a comprehensive desktop productivity tool for visualizing, 
analyzing and communicating information about molecular structures as 
well as for performing the calculations of computational chemistry.  It 
is the most widely-used molecular modeling software for the Microsoft 
Windows environment of IBM-compatible PCs.

				  - 30 -

HyperChem is a trademark of Hypercube, Inc. All other trade and product 
names mentioned are the service marks, trademarks or registered 
trademarks of their respective holders. 

Hypercube Inc, 7-419 Phillip St, Waterloo, Ont, Canada N2L 3X2 (519)725-4040
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Modified: Thu Apr 13 16:00:00 1995 GMT
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