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> From Mon Feb 24 23:24 EST 1997

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Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 23:23:16 -0800
From: Willie Cui 
Organization: microsimulations
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Subject: AccuModel v1.1 with ISIS/Draw Add-in, available to download for evaluation 
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(This message is being simultaneously posted to several lists;  please forgive any 
duplicate messages. And please forward to any list you feel may be interested.)

We have place the fully functional demo of AccuModel 1.1 for Windows 95 & NT up on our 
WWW site. 

AccuModel is the most intuitive and accurate program for the construction of 3D molecular 
structures, using the MM3 force field, and operating on PC and PowerMac.  This new 
version is a significant upgrade with many added features and improvements. Among them,
· AccuModel as ISIS/Draw and ISIS/base Add-in that completely eliminate the barrier 
between 2D and 3D chemical information.
· Better and faster graphics.
· Automated checking and optimization after 2D to 3D conversion.
· Improve the calculation of pi-system and bond angle bending energy.
· Correction of the geometry of the building fragments involving sulfur atoms.
· Added warning and parameter quality report when non-MM3 parameter is used.
· Added a switch function to enable the easy change of stereo chemistry

You can download this fully functional program for 30 days free evaluation.

The user guide in the format of Microsoft Word can also be downloaded from the same page.

The price of AccuModel: $499. Discount: 25% for Government Lab. 50% for faculty, and 80% 
for student.


Willie Cui			voice: 201-512-0486
MicroSimulations		fax:   201-512-0489
478 Green Mountain Road		email:
Mahwah, NJ 07430		URL:

Modified: Wed Feb 26 17:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 4825 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:13 1999 GMT