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From 101626.1574@CompuServe.COM Sat Oct  5 02:51 EDT 1996
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Date: 05 Oct 96 02:50:05 EDT
From: Guy DESMARQUETS <101626.1574@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Commercial soft announcements
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I have a new product released in French since a few months and now release in
English and would like to know if the following presentation is acceptable
according to the CCL rules. Could you please let me know if I could announce
this program. I think a few functionnalities will be usefull for a lot of
persons handling proteins!
Thanks in advance

			" WINMGM"
A professional software package for a:
. Biochemist, crystallographer, molecular modeling specialist needing a great
visualization tool on his PC.
. Teacher or Professor willing to illustrate his lectures, or enable his
students to get a feeling for structural matters on biomolecules.

Major Functionalities :
. Manipulation and visualization tools for Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Lipids or
Organic molecules.
. Biomolecules specific tools enabling real time manipulation of high-grade
graphics (CPK, ribbons...).(1)
. Manipulation in relative or absolute coordinates of several molecules
(host-guest complexes, complex proteins and their sub-structures or units...).
. Construction and optimization tools for peptides and proteins: systematic
search using stereo-alphabet combinatorial methods, Monte Carlo calculations,
side chain optimization...
. Rendering tools providing complex representations of " workstation quality "
. Properties calculation: hydrophobic/ hydrophilic or electrostatic potentials
(2), interdistance maps, Ramachandran maps, solvent accessible surfaces...

(1) Rahman, M., Brasseur, R. 12, 212-218 (1994) J. Mol. Graphics, WinMGM : A
fast CPK Molecular graphics program for analysing molecular structure.
(2) Unique software allowing to calculate and visualize Molecular Hydrophobic
Potential: Brasseur, R. 266, 16120-16127 (1991) J. Biol. Chim., Differentiation
of Lipid-associating Helices by the Use of Three-dimensional Molecular
Hydrophobycity Potential Calculations.

Demo version available on the following net adress :
In English :
In French

A product developed by:
 Prof. R. BRASSEUR, and M. RAHMAN from the Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire
Numerique, Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux - Belgium and 
Commercialized by :
Ab Initio Technology , 1 place de l'Etoile F-67210 Obernai, France
 phone : +33 (after October 18/1996 : +33
Fax : +33  (after October 18/1996 : +33
email :

Modified: Sun Oct 6 16:00:00 1996 GMT
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