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From Fri Oct  3 04:35 EDT 1997
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 11:48:16 +0100
From: Peter Tebbutt 
Subject: CCL:ChemSymphony Lite- new release

Cherwell Scientific Publishing are pleased to announce the release of
ChemSymphony Lite - a new evaluation version of the popular web structure
rendering tool.

ChemSymphony Lite is free for use on the WWW (subject to a license
agreement) and can be used to include molecular structures in HTML
documents. The features of ChemSymphony Lite are:

        * from small molecules to proteins rendered in a variety of
 	styles -wireframe, ball and stick, ribbons strands etc
	* rendering using a variety of color schemes (including
	user defined)
	* manipulation using mouse for rotation, translation, zoom
	* structures can be renderered in floating frames with drop down
	menus for changing rendering styles
	*  appearance fully configurable using applet parameters
	* Additional control applet allows users to manipulate
	the structure rendering options
	* most common file types recognized - XYZ, MDL MOL, PDB,
	ZMAT etc
	* compatible with all java enabled browsers and platforms.

Unlike previous evaluation versions this is not time limited and may be
used free of charge on the WWW and for evaluation purposes. You can
download your copy from the chemSymphony web site now.

Peter Tebbutt

Peter Tebbutt                 | e-mail:
Development Support           | Tel:     +44 (0)1865 784812
Cherwell Scientific Publishing| Fax:	+44(0)1865 784801
Oxford OX4 4GA, UK            |
Check Out ChemSymphony - rated top 1% Java applet by JARS
Modified: Fri Oct 31 17:00:00 1997 GMT
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