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From Sat Jul 13 09:44 EDT 1996
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Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 09:34:44 +0000
From: Oxford Cryosystems 
Subject: Crystallographica
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Dear Computational Chemistry List

Oxford Cryosystems are a UK based company who specialise in software and
Cryogenic equipment for Crystallographers.  We have recently developed a
package called Crystallographica which provides a series of tools for the
Crystallographer or scientist using Crystallography.

This package is Windows based and its tools include:

+ Pascal interpreter with extensive library of crystallographic
+ Integrated crystal structure drawing and powder simulation.
+ Structures may be saved in VRML format, providing stunning graphics on
any computer with a viewer.
+ Export VRML models of your crystal.
+ Import / export of CIF and Shelxl formats.
+ Runs under MS-Windows 3.1, 95 or NT.
+ Comprehensive printed and on-line help including tutorial guide.

We are working on some stunning VRML modelling graphics at the moment and
will have them implimented in a few weeks.

If you would like more informtion on the software, please see our web pages
(address below).  Here you will also find a downloadable demo.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards
Richard L Glazer
Sales and Marketing Manager

OXFORD CRYOSYSTEMS     3 Blenheim Office Park     Lower Road
Long Hanborough     Oxford  OX8 8LN     United Kingdom

Tel:  +44 (1993) 883488      Fax:  +44 (1993) 883988      URL:

Modified: Thu Jul 18 16:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 4628 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:16 1999 GMT