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From Thu Apr 13 17:52:37 1995
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From: (Brett Bode)
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Subject: CCL:ab-initio on Power Mac(& GAMESS WWW home page)
To: (Computational Chemistry List)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 16:33:55 -0500 (CDT)
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Adrian Roitberg asked if there where any ab initio programs available for the

The answer is Yes! 

   My group (Mark Gordon's research group at Iowa State University) has 
recently ported our ab initio quantum code GAMESS (General Atomic and 
Molecular Electronic Structure System) to the PowerMac.
   At this point we simply have it running in a similar way to any other system.
ie. you have to create text input files and retrieve your output from .log and
.dat files, but it is a fully functional copy of GAMESS capable of using as
much or as little memory and disk as you can give it. 
   If you are interested you can get more information from myself
via email ( or the WWW from the GAMESS home page:
or via FTP:   or
   user:  anonymous.bmbode      password: you email address

   At the above WWW site you can also find information about the regular version
of GAMESS, including the current version and a new PostScript version of the
GAMESS manual, and information about our Graphics programs for visualizing
GAMESS output including my own program for the Macintosh, MacMolPlt. In the 
next version (due out next month) MacMolPlt will add the ability to read
GAMESS log and IRC files directly and create animations of IRC's, DRC's,
optimizations and enhance the current ability to animate Normal Modes.

   As with the regular version of GAMESS, MacGAMESS and MacMolPlt are free of 

Let me know if I can provide more assistance...

Brett Bode
Brett Bode
201 Spedding Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011

Modified: Fri Apr 14 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 3579 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:26 1999 GMT