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From! Fri Aug  1 17:03 EDT 1997
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 12:15:49 -0700
From: Dan Haun 

Interactive Simulations, Inc., is pleased to announce the release of SCULPT
Revision 2.5 for the PC.   The new features include a 2D-3D converter and
greater file compatibility.   In addition, Interactive Simulations is now
providing a stand-alone 3D builder called ChemBuilder3D that will read and
write PDB, MM3, MacroModel and MDL Mol files.   With these additions, SCULPT
will be better equipped for modeling small molecules from various drawing

Recently Interactive Simulations, Inc., announced a development partnership
with MDL Information Systems, Inc.  SCULPT users will now be able to copy
and paste from MDL's ISIS/Draw (Mol file format) and hot-link with
Chemscape's Chime.  Chime allows access to web site technologies with
intricate viewing features of structures.  It also provides the capability of
sharing information with colleagues.   Hot-linking into SCULPT will enhance
its viewing capabilities by offering chemists the power of visualizing the
flexibility of that structure.

SCULPT will continue to offer the interactive capabilities of overlaying one
or more  molecules, twisting and turning molecular structures, energetically
docking ligands,  minimizing in real-time, and visualizing of H-bond
electrostatics and van der Waals forces.  SCULPT also allows you to copy and
paste into MS Word, and Power Point  for documentation and presentation as
well as allowing you to  record quick time movies.

Hardware requirements for SCULPT are Pentium-grade PCs with a minimum of
16MB of Memory and  10MB on the hard drive.  SCULPT V.2.1 is also available
for the PowerMac and SGI platforms.

To download a free trial of SCULPT or to receive additional information,
please visit Interactive Simulations, Inc.'s  Web site at or contact us directly at 1-888-2-SCULPT or
1-619-658-9462.  To download Chime and ISIS/Draw, please visit MDL's Web
site at

Sincerely yours,

Dan Haun
Daniel P. Haun                              Tel:       (619) 658-9462
Interactive Simulations Inc.             Toll Free: (888) 272-8578 
5330 Carroll Canyon Rd.               Email:      
San Diego, CA 92121                    Fax:       (619) 658-9463     
Web site             

Modified: Fri Oct 31 17:00:00 1997 GMT
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