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> From: hyper!slee (Thomas Slee)
> Message-Id: <>
> Subject: Request for review of commercial submission
> To:
> Date: 	Mon, 12 Apr 1993 09:48:18 -0400


Waterloo, Ontario -- March 29, 1993

Hypercube has now completed HyperChem(TM) Release 3 for 
Windows(TM).  HyperChem is developed by Hypercube, and is
licensed to Autodesk(R), Inc., who have announced that
it will be available in April.

Release 3 is a major upgrade of HyperChem.  HyperChem
Release 2, introduced one year ago, created a new standard
for molecular modeling on the PC, by bringing extensive
molecular modeling capabilities to the Windows operating
environment.  HyperChem now has the largest installed base
of PC molecular simulation software.  It is used for
teaching and research in over 400 colleges and universities.

Major New Features

o Easy and complete control over stereochemistry.
o Computation, display and analysis of IR and UV spectra
  from semi-empirical methods, with static and dynamic
  display of vibrational normal modes.
o Additional file and clipboard formats supported.
o Ribbons display of peptides and proteins.
o Up to twelve bonded neighbours handled by model builder
  and by all computational methods.
o Improved semi-empirical quantum mechanics computations:
    - Several-fold speed increase.
    - INDO/1 and INDO/S  methods included for transition
    - PM3 method added.
    - Computation of part of a system available for all
    - User-specified restraining forces to constrain
    - Interactive energy-level diagram for choosing and
      inspecting molecular orbitals.
o Control of initial velocities for dynamics calculations from
  the user interface.
o Faster and more extensive script and Windows DDE
  capabilities, including:
    - MO coefficients and energies.
    - Grids of computed electronic properties.
    - Spectroscopic transitions and normal modes.

HyperChem Release 3 has the untapped potential to run remote
calculations on UNIX computers.  This will require a third
party implementation of the new Windows WINSOCK protocol
and not-yet-available versions of the computational modules 
installed on the UNIX computer.

Pricing and Availability

HyperChem is licensed to Autodesk, Inc., who should be 
contacted for information about pricing and availability.    

Hypercube Inc.

Hypercube develops scientific software, with particular 
expertise in parallel processing, and also provides
consulting services in molecular modeling.  It is located in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  For more information about
Hypercube's services, including custom software and
scientific support contracts for HyperChem, contact your
Authorized HyperChem Dealer.

Hypercube can be reached by phone at 519-725-4040, fax at
519-725-5193, and on Internet at

Tom Slee
Hypercube, Inc., #7-419 Phillip St., Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3X2 
Internet:		Tel. (519) 725-4040

Modified: Mon Apr 12 16:00:00 1993 GMT
Page accessed 3766 times since Sat Apr 17 21:40:31 1999 GMT