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Cray Research, Inc. announces the release of UniChem 3.0. UniChem incorporates 
three chemistry simulation codes with a graphical user interface (GUI). Users
may run DGauss 3.0, MNDO94, or CADPAC 5.2. UniChem 3.0 also provides
an optional interface to GAUSSIAN and a code attachment facility.

Major new features include:
  - analytic second derivatives for DFT
  - reaction field model for both DGauss 3.0 and MNDO94
  - MNDO/d parameters for 4 additional elements in MNDO94: Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr
  - semiempirical molecular dyanmics
  - a quick cleanup option in the molecular builder
  - the ability to perform computation and analysis on a series of structures.

UniChem 3.0 runs in client/server mode, with the GUI operating on a Sun
or SGI workstation and the chemistry codes on either SGI or Cray platforms.
A version for the IBM RS6000 version is forthcoming.

More details on UniChem 3.0 can be found in the UniChem WWW page 
(, or by contacting
From Wed May 29 12:27 EDT 1996
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Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 09:31:32 -0700
From: (Jill Koering-Romero)
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Oxford Molecular Group Completes UniChem Software and Technology
Acquisition from Cray Research, Inc.

Agreement Strengthens Oxford Molecular's Competitiveness in Quantum
Chemistry and Supports Cray's New Application Strategy

CAMPBELL, Calif., May 24, 1996 - Oxford Molecular Group PLC (OMG: London
Stock Exchange) and Cray Research, Inc. (NYSE: CYR) today announced that
they have reached a definitive agreement for Oxford Molecular Group to
acquire Cray's UniChem software package for computational chemistry
        Under the agreement, Oxford Molecular Group purchased UniChem and a
CRAY J90 supercomputer through a mixture of cash and the issue of shares to
Cray.  Also, Cray will become a distributor of UniChem software for Cray
supercomputers.  All future versions of the software will be developed by
Oxford Molecular, and a comprehensive licensing and support transition plan
has been developed to support current customers.  The agreement includes
transfer of technology and software licenses.
        According to Tony F. Marchington, D. Phil., chief executive officer
of Oxford Molecular, the Unichem acquisition enables the company to
strengthen its competitiveness in the quantum chemistry sector and adds
supercomputing capabilities to the its range of software solutions for
integrated molecular design.
        "This acquisition will complement Oxford Molecular Group's
portfolio of integrated molecular design products, from gene sequencing to
preclinical drug development, and continues our aggressive strategy to
provide our customers with a comprehensive line of software and services to
meet the needs of the multimillion-dollar drug design market," said Dr.
Marchington.  "We are committed to support and optimize the software for a
wide range of computers, including the Cray supercomputers.
        Cray said the deal confirms its strategy of working primarily
through independent software vendors for applications on its
supercomputers.  Cray officials supported the acquisition of the Unichem
technology, recognizing the strong fit for the software within Oxford
Molecular's future business and product development strategy.
        "We are happy to see our innovative UniChem technology go into the
hands of a premier-quality firm like Oxford Molecular," said Mike Booth,
vice president of Cray's Applications and Software Divisions.  "We saw a
great deal of interest from software  vendors in this technology.  Oxford
Molecular will continue UniChem's success and broaden its use in the
        UniChem is a well-established computational chemistry software
package used by industry and research organizations, such as DuPont, Exxon
Research & Engineering, and Phillips Petroleum, to speed the development of
pharmaceuticals, materials and other chemicals.  UniChem complements
existing quantum mechanics solutions available from Oxford Molecular Group,
giving customers greater choice in this sector.
        Following its realigned applications strategy last year, Cray will
focus future development efforts on building unique capabilities and
applications technology for its supercomputers, but discontinue its
business of maintaining software like UniChem.
        "We have always worked closely with ISVs for mainstream
applications optimized on our supercomputers," said Booth.  "However, our
high performance computing leadership and partnership approach with
high-end industrial customers often places us in a position to develop
unique applications technologies for problems that don't have solutions
today.  This was the case with UniChem."
        Cray Research, Inc., a subsidiary of Silicon Graphics, Inc.,
provides the leading supercomputing tools and services to help solve
customers' most challenging problems.
        Oxford Molecular Group develops and markets solutions for
integrated molecular design to companies and universities engaged in
chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology research.  In addition to a wide
range of computer-aided molecular design software (CAMD), the company
offers advanced bioinformatics tools as well as contract research for
pharmaceutical drug discovery and design.  Headquartered in Oxford,
England, the company conducts U.S. operations in Campbell, Calif.;
Beaverton, Ore.; Rochester, N.Y.; and Baltimore, M.D.; and European
operations from Oxford; Erlangen (Germany); and Paris.  Oxford Molecular
Group is the largest supplier of CAMD software in Japan through its
distributor Sony/Tektronix.


Jill Koering-Romero                             Oxford Molecular Group
Marketing Communications Coordinator            2105 S. Bascom Ave.                                 Suite 200
Tel: 408-879-6363                               Campbell, CA  95008
Fax: 408-879-6302                     

Modified: Thu May 30 16:00:00 1996 GMT
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