Conferences, meetings, workshops, deleted from the main
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Conferences/Workshops/Meetings are ordered by
date: YY.MM.DD
- 05.10.25 Molecular Modelling for Macromolecular Crystallographers (MM4MX), Oxfordshire, UK
- 05.11.01 3rd Annual Nucleic Acid World Summit, Boston, MA
- 05.11.01 November Tripos Training Workshops, St. Louis, MO, Edison, NJ, Paris, Munich
- 05.11.01 November Accelrys Inc training workshops, SAN DIEGO, CA and BURLINGTON, MA,
- 05.11.04 14th Conf on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson State U, Mississippi
- 05.11.09 Euro Meeting on Drug Discovery Applications of Cheminformatics and Modelling, Basel, CH
- 05.11.10 Workshop on Biosensors for Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring, Agadir (Morocco)
- 05.11.14 AccelrysWorld, London
- 05.11.17 Molecular Graphics with UCSF Chimera, Mission Bay Campus, SF, CA
- 05.11.20 13rd Brasilian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Sao Pedro, Brasil
- 05.11.28 MRS Symposium LL: Combinatorial Methods and Informatics in Materials Science, Boston, MA
- 05.12.01 Accelrys Customer Training, San Diego, Cambdridge, Paris and on-line
- 05.12.06 Protein Engineering, San Diego, CA
- 05.12.07 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry, Nanophotonics, Helsinki, Finland
- 05.12.09 Molecular Graphics and Simulation of Biomolecules, U Warwick, UK
- 05.12.15 Pacifichem 2005, Hawaii, USA
- 06.01.08 Protein Folding Dynamics, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA
- 06.01.25 Protein Structure and Drug Discovery, ICM Workshop and Training, La Jolla, CA
- 06.01.26 Advances in Protein Crystallography, San Francisco, CA
- 06.01.31 Laboratory Informatics, San Diego, CA
- 06.02.02 Computational Homology and Materials Science Workshop, Atlanta, GA
- 06.02.06 Computers in Scientific Discovery III, University og Ghent, Belgium
- 06.02.14 Computational Nanoscience, NIC Winter School 2006, Juelich, Germany
- 06.02.14 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2006: Molecular Properties, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 06.02.18 V Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, Samara, Russia
- 06.02.19 Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2006), Ringberg Castle, Germany
- 06.02.19 Molecular & Ionic Clusters, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA
- 06.02.19 7th Int Conf on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, MX
- 06.02.21 MedChem Europe 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
- 06.03.05 21st Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure, Austin, TX
- 06.03.06 37th IFF Spring School , Computational Methods in Condensed Matter Physics, Jlich . Germany
- 06.03.09 Protein Folding Disorders, Baltimore, MD
- 06.03.13 Drug Discover Technology - Europe 2006, London, UK
- 06.03.13 CambridgeSoft European Conference and User Meeting 2006, London, UK
- 06.03.16 Free Cluster-Building Workshops, Urbana, IL
- 06.03.17 Quantitative Quantum Chemistry, Santa Fe, NM
- 06.03.22 1ere Ecole de Carthage de Chimie et Physique Theoriques, 22-28 Mars 2006, IPEIEM, Tunis, Tunisia
- 06.03.23 European Catalyst User Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
- 06.03.26 ACS COMP Division, Atlanta, GA
- 06.03.26 Frontiers in Chemical Biology: Single Molecules, Cambridge , United Kingdom
- 06.03.26 ACS Advances in Reaction informatics, Atlanta, GA
- 06.03.26 ACS Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award Competition, Drug Discovery, Altanta, GA
- 06.03.26 ACS Interactions of Peptides and Proteins with Membrane Surface, Atlanta, GA
- 06.03.26 ACS - Advances in Pharmacophores and 3D Screening, Atlanta, GA, USA
- 06.04.02 Columbus in Bangkok - A Multireference Methods Workshop, Bang Saen, Thailand
- 06.04.02 10th Annual Int Conf on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Venice, Italy
- 06.04.02 CCP2 workshop on explicitly correlated wavefunctions, Nottingham, UK
- 06.04.04 Structure Based Drug Discovery, Whistler, British Columbia
- 06.04.05 Docking and Scoring in Structure Guided Drug Design, Southampton:Third Circular
- 06.04.05 Chemical Reactivity Symposium, Brussels, Belgium
- 06.04.05 Materials Congress, London, UK
- 06.04.06 InforSense Users Conference, Boston, MA
- 06.04.17 4th Int Society of Electrochemistry Spring Meeting, Singapore
- 06.04.19 DFTEM 2006, DFT and TEM, WIEN2k Workshop, Vienna, Austria
- 06.04.20 Free Cluster-Building Workshops, Urbana, IL
- 06.04.27 UK QSAR and ChemoInformatics Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK
- 06.05.03 DIMACS Workshop on Sequence, Structure and Systems Approaches to Predict Protein Function, Rutgers U, NJ
- 06.05.07 Discovery & Selection of Successful Drug Candidates, Boston, MA
- 06.05.07 Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Boston, MA
- 06.05.07 EUPOC2006, Branched macromolecular structures, Gargnano, Italy
- 06.05.08 12th Int Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, Lyon, France
- 06.05.08 Int Conf on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2006), Glasgow, UK
- 06.05.10 Proteins: Structure, Dynamics, and Energetics, EMBO Course, Shanghai, China
- 06.05.12 Frontiers of Biomolecular NMR, May 12-14 in Cleveland
- 06.05.15 Molecular Interactions - Bringing Chemistry to Life, Bozen, Italy
- 06.05.15 Molecular Interactions - Bringing Chemistry to Life, Bozen, Italy
- 06.05.15 Two-day Molpro (Quantum Chemistry Package) Workshop, Tokyo, Japan
- 06.05.16 ACS Central Regional Meeting & 39th Silicon Symposium, Frankenmuth, Michigan
- 06.05.21 12th Int Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan
- 06.05.23 20th Darmstadt Molecular Modelling Workshop, Erlangen, Germany
- 06.05.28 3rd IUPAC-sponsored International Symposium on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-06), Tokyo, Japan
- 06.05.28 4th INTERNATIONAL CHEMOMETRICS RESEARCH MEETING (ICRM 2006), Veldhoven, the Netherlands
- 06.05.28 Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications, Reading, UK
- 06.05.29 Workshop "Chemoinformatics in Europe: Research and Teaching"
- 06.05.29 Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
- 06.06.02 Vibrational Spectroscopy, Gordon Research Conference
- 06.06.04 Applying Mechanisms of Chemical Toxicity to Predict Drug Safety, WASHINGTON, D.C
- 06.06.04 Int Conferences on Modern Materials and Technologies, CIMTEC 2006, Sicily, Italy
- 06.06.05 Modeling Biomolecules, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
- 06.06.06 Symposium on Progress and Future Prospects in Molecular Dynamics Simulation -In Memory of Professor Shuichi Nose-, Keio Univ., Yokohama, Japan
- 06.06.07 ChemAxon's 2006 User Group Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
- 06.06.11 11th Int Conf Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis, Schmoeckwitz/Berlin Germany
- 06.06.24 3rd Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry, Varna, Bulgaria
- 06.06.24 2006 ISQPB President's Meeting, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France
- 06.06.26 BIOCOMP-2006 Int Conf on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Las Vegas, USA
- 06.06.27 Practical Introduction to Chemoinformatics, U Sheffield, UK
- 06.06.27 Chemical Computing Group, North American User Group Meeting 2006, Montreal, Canada
- 06.07.02 Fundamentals of Genomics and Proteomics, U Puerto Rico, Med Sci Campus
- 06.07.03 Curr Challenges Comp Struct Biol -- Improving Model Refinement for Functional Predictions
- 06.07.03 Current challenges in computational structural biology: improving model refinement for functional predictions
- 06.07.03 Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods, Oxford University, UK
- 06.07.09 Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High Temperature, Dresden, Germany
- 06.07.09 Atomic & Molecular Interactions, Gordon Research Conference, New London, NH
- 06.07.09 3rd Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, FOMMS2006, Blaine, WA, USA
- 06.07.10 VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
- 06.07.16 Zeolite'06, Symposium on Modeling Natural Zeolites, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
- 06.07.22 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps II, Workshop, Tuscany, Italy
- 06.07.23 Int Conf Organometallic Chemistry, Zaragoza, Spain
- 06.07.26 6th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference, Vancouver, Canada
- 06.07.28 3rd EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation, Paris, France
- 06.07.30 Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO Program, Summer School, Tuscany, Italy
- 06.07.31 Molecular Simulation and Structure Prediction -- Summer Workshop, La Jolla, CA
- 06.08.06 Int Soc Philosophy of Chemistry 10th Summer Symposium, Split, Croatia
- 06.08.07 International Conference on Chemoinformatics 2006, Pune, India
- 06.08.13 Techniques of Surface Sciences and Catalysis, Santa Barbara, CA
- 06.08.20 Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics for Medicinal Chemists: Achieving Therapeutic Efficacy, Boston, MA
- 06.08.22 CCP6 Workshop on the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems, University of Wales - Bangor, UK
- 06.08.27 Time-dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, School & Workshop, Benasque, Spain
- 06.09.01 XXXII th CHITEL (or QUITEL) Congress, 1-6 September 2006, Cotes de Carthage, Tunisia
- 06.09.03 6th European Conference on Computational Chemistry (EUCO-CC6),Low Tatras, Slovakia
- 06.09.03 MSSC2006 - Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry, Torino, Italy
- 06.09.03 42nd Symposium on Theor Chem: Quantum Chemistry - Methods and Applications, Erkner by Berlin, Germany
- 06.09.04 2nd Int School Comput Cell Biol (SCCB2006), Comp Meth Multiscale Protein Interactions, Modena, Italy
- 06.09.07 Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (ACCMS), Sendai, Japan
- 06.09.10 Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials 2006, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
- 06.09.10 ACS Meeting, Symposium on Estrogen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (LBD), San Francisco, CA
- 06.09.10 5th European Conf on Computational Biology ECCB-06, Eilat, Israel
- 06.09.10 232nd ACS, ADME and Physical Property Prediction, San Francisco, CA
- 06.09.10 16th Euro Symposium on QSAR and Molecular Modeling, Mediterranean Sea Cruise
- 06.09.15 Amsterdam Density Functional package (ADF) Seminar, Stanford University, CA
- 06.09.21 Molsoft ICM Workshop - Protein Structure and Drug Discovery
- 06.09.24 Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, CESTC, 2006, Zakopane, Poland
- 06.09.24 Gordon Conference - Computational Aspects - Biomolecular NMR, Aussois, France
- 06.09.27 Experiment and Theory in Transition Metal Chemistry: A Melting Point, Barcelona, Spain
- 06.09.27 Rietveld Refinement and Indexing Workshop, Newton Square, PA
- 06.09.27 Complife06 - Computational Life Sciences 2006, Cambridge, UK
- 06.10.03 13th Int Conf Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2006), Hong Kong, China
- 06.10.15 Eighth Real-Time Linux Workshop, Lanzhou University, P.R.China
- 06.10.16 eCheminfo Meeting: Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods, Philadelphia, PA
- 06.10.23 2nd Cornell Nanoscale Facility Fall Workshop: Building Nanostructures Bit by Bit
- 06.10.25 Specimen Preparation for X-ray Fluorescence Workshop, Newton Square, PA
- 06.10.25 International Conference on Modeling in Chemical and Biological Engineering Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand
- 06.10.27 International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Chania, Greece
- 06.11.20 VII Annual Spanish Bioinformatics Conference, Zaragoza, Spain
- 06.11.30 Cluster-Building Workshop, UIUC, Urbana, IL
- 06.12.11 Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS), Tiruchirappalli, India
- 06.12.14 National Symposium on Computational Chemistry, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 14th and 15th December 2006.
- 07.01.03 Biomolecular Simulation 2007: faster, bigger, better - Nottingham, UK
- 07.01.03 Biomolecular Simulation 2007: faster, bigger, better, University of Nottingham, UK
- 07.01.03 Computational Approaches to Metabolomics, Grand Wailea, Maui
- 07.01.06 Frontiers of NMR in Molecular Biology X, Snowbird Resort, Utah
- 07.01.15 Practicing Chemistry with Theoretical Tools, Maul HPCC, Hawaii
- 07.01.15 Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Hong Kong
- 07.01.21 ECCB - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology, Eilat, Israel
- 07.02.20 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2007, Electronic and geometric structure of clean and adsorbate covered surfaces of solids and nano-particles, Mariapfarr (Austria)
- 07.02.22 Online Workshop on Computational Biophysics,
- 07.02.25 TMS Annual Meeting 2007: Linking Science and Technology for Global Solutions, Orlando, Florida
- 07.02.26 Gromacs Workshop 2007, Helsinki/Keilaranta/Espoo Finland
- 07.03.06 Computational Materials Design (CMD) Workshop, Osaka University, Japan
- 07.03.11 Therapeutic Applications of Computational Biology and Chemistry, Hinxton, Cambs, UK
- 07.03.12 Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics and Photonics, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- 07.03.13 MGMS Silver Jubilee Meeting, SOAS, Russell Square, London
- 07.03.14 Free MOE Workshop and Pharmacophore Modeling, UCSD, San Diego, CA
- 07.03.25 Chirality Symposium ++ ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007
- 07.03.26 Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm, The Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, Germany
- 07.03.26 5th Intl. Workshop on New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery, Marburg, Germany
- 07.03.31 iDFT 07 -- First Annual DFT meeting at Irvine/Mini-School and Workshop, Laguna Beach, CA
- 07.04.02 Workshop on ab initio modelling of biomolecules, Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza"
- 07.04.04 11th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference
- 07.05.14 7th IEEE Int Symp on Cluster Computing on the Grid CCGrid 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- 07.05.14 BioGrid07 and 5th Int. Workshop on Biomedical Computationas on the Grid, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- 07.05.18 Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association
- 07.05.20 Computational Modeling in Life Sciences, Santa Clara, CA
- 07.05.20 Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Santa Clara, CA
- 07.05.23 Embrace Workshop on Bioclipse 2007 (EWB 07), BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 07.05.26 Update: Symposium on Biocomputational Chemistry at the 90th Canadian Chemical Conference & Exhibition CSC2007
- 07.05.26 BioComputational Chemistry Symposium at the CSC2007 (90th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition)
- 07.05.27 Conference on Isotopes and Isotope Effects, Benicassim (Castelln, Spain)
- 07.05.27 2nd Molecular Discovery Users Meeting, Novel Computational Methods for Cheminformatics, Rational Drug Design, ADME and DMPK Prediction, Perugia, Italy
- 07.05.27 2nd Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications (2nd CCA)
- 07.06.06 CHi's 7th Annual Structure-Based Design, Boston, Massachusetts
- 07.06.07 Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties, Modeling, Design, Applications, Erice, Sicily
- 07.06.18 Fourth Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, U Sheffield, UK
- 07.06.18 4th Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics, U Sheffield, UK
- 07.06.20 International Conference on Enzyme Technology, Varadero Beach, Cuba
- 07.06.21 OpenEye EuroCUP Meeting, Sheffield, UK
- 07.06.25 Summer School in Computational Chemistry (EEQTC.CAT), Barcelona
- 07.06.25 eCheminfo Drug Discovery Design Workshop Week, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
- 07.06.26 MOE North American User Group Meeting 2007, Montreal, Canada
- 07.06.28 The Mid-West Theory Conference 2007: Second Announcement
- 07.06.28 The Mid-West Theory Conference 2007: First Announcement
- 07.07.01 The 2007 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Electron Distribution & Chemical Bonding: Dynamics & Densities
- 07.07.15 Gordon Research Conference on TDDFT, Colby College, Maine
- 07.07.21 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps III, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy
- 07.07.25 XXV Int Conf on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany
- 07.08.05 International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC), San Francisco
- 07.08.19 234th ACS Meeting, QSAR Reborn Symposium in Memory of Dr. Magee, Boston, MA
- 07.08.22 24 European Crystallographic Metting, Morocco
- 07.08.26 DFT2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 07.09.02 Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics, Torun, Poland
- 07.09.06 2nd International Symposium Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials, Varna, Bulgaria
- 07.09.08 7th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics WABI07, Philadelphia, PA
- 07.09.14 2007 Int Conf: Bio-Inspired Computing, Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2007), Zhengzhou Henan Province, China
- 07.09.28 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Singapore
- 07.09.30 MODELING OF PROTEIN INTERACTIONS, Sept 30 Oct 2, 2007, Lawrence, KS
- 07.10.04 Molecular Docking, Complexity, and Optimization, TU Dresden, Germany
- 07.10.04 Molecular Docking, Complexity, and Optimization, Biotec TUD, Dresden, Germany
- 07.10.04 CompLife'07 / Computational Life Sciences 2007, Utrecht/The Netherlands, 4-6 Oct 2007
- 07.10.15 Latest Advances in Drug Discovery and Development, Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, USA
- 07.10.24 Virtual Discovery, Computer-Aided Drug DIscovery and Screening, London, England
- 07.10.24 Virtual Discovery, London
- 07.11.02 16th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson MS
- 07.11.11 3. German Conference on Chemoinformatics
- 07.11.11 3. German Conference on Chemoinformatics
- 07.11.27 Molecular Modelling 2007 (MM2007) - Melbourne, Australia
- 07.11.30 MGMS Young Modellers' Forum in Conjunction with the RSC MMG, London, UK
- 07.11.30 Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference ISCB Event, Colorado - Aspen/Snowmass
- 07.12.10 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2007, Helsinki, Finland
- 07.12.16 Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, Eilat, Israel
- 08.01.07 Biomolecular Simulation 2007: frontiers of biomolecular simulation, Bristol, UK
- 08.01.23 Advances in Protein Crystallography, Palm Springs, CA
- 08.02.04 1st International Conference on Drug Design and Discovery, Dubai, UAE
- 08.02.18 VI Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, Kazan, Russia
- 08.02.19 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2008: Heterogeneous Catalysis, Mariapfarr (Austria)
- 08.03.01 22nd Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure, Austin, TX
- 08.03.11 Molecular Modelling: Tools, GUIs and Visualisation, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK
- 08.03.17 First Workshop USA -- North Africa on nanomaterials, Hammamet, March 17-21 2008, Tunisia
- 08.03.18 2008 AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, San Francisco, California
- 08.03.29 Computer-Aided Drug Design Conference, Sheraton Steamboat Springs, Colorado
- 08.03.30 RECOMB2008, 12th Annual Int. Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Singapore
- 08.03.31 MGMS Spring Meeting, Bio-inorganic Chemistry, Cardiff, UK
- 08.04.16 OpenEye's 2nd European Science Meeting, EuroCUP II, Strasbourg, France
- 08.04.21 IMA Design Principles in Biological Systems, Minneapolis, MN
- 08.04.26 8th Southern School on Computational Chemistry, Jackson State U, Jackson, MS
- 08.05.01 II Colombian Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (IIENQTC), Calarc, Quindo, Colombia
- 08.05.19 Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment - ICPMSE-9
- 08.05.28 2008 Int Conf on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008), Hainan, China
- 08.06.01 8th Int Conf on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- 08.06.02 Mathematical/Computational Aspects of Electronic Structure Calculation, Edmonton, Canada
- 08.06.04 Schrodinger 3rd Annual Spring User Symposium, Portland, Oregon
- 08.06.06 5th European Charge Density Meeting, Lake of Como, Italy
- 08.06.08 QSAR2008 13th International Workshop on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences, Syracuse, NY
- 08.06.08 NATO ARW Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano-, and Macro-Dimensions, Kiev, Ukraine
- 08.06.08 ISQBP President's Meeting, Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, TI, Switzerland
- 08.06.10 Chemical Computing Group, North American User Group Meeting 2008, Montreal, Canada
- 08.06.16 II Summer School in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Barcelona, Spain
- 08.06.17 A Practical Introduction to Chemoinformatics, The University of Sheffield, UK
- 08.06.22 Summer School on Chemoinformatics, Obernai (near Strasbourg), France
- 08.06.22 Computational Molecular Science 2008, Cirencester, UK
- 08.06.23 Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials 2008, Piechowice, Poland
- 08.06.23 ICCS 2008 : "Advancing Science through Computation", Krakow, Poland
- 08.06.23 3rd Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications, Krakow, Poland
- 08.06.25 CHI's Stucture-Based Drug Design, Boston, Massachusetts
- 08.06.25 Structure-Based Drug Design, Boston, Massachusetts
- 08.06.26 40th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference - 26-28 June.
- 08.06.27 7th Liquid Matter Conference, Lund, Sweden
- 08.06.29 BIOTECHNO 2008, Int Conf on Biocomputation, Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technologies,Bucharest, Romania
- 08.06.30 Summer School in Modeling and Informatics in Drug Design, SAS Nagar, India
- 08.06.30 XI-ème Rencontre des chimistes théoriciens francophones, Dinard, Bretagne, France
- 08.06.30 CAC2008 11th conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Montpellier - France
- 08.07.01 4th EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation, Paris, France
- 08.07.06 13th International Workshop Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Lansing, Michigan, USA
- 08.07.07 Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics - Summer School, Vienna, Austria
- 08.07.07 VIII Girona Seminar on Aromaticity, 7-10 July, Girona, Spain
- 08.07.07 BCBGC-08 Int Conf Bioinf, Comp Biol, Genomics and Cheminf, Orlando, FL, USA
- 08.07.07 2008 MULTICONF Orlando, FL, USA
- 08.07.07 BIRD'08 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Development, Vienna, Austria
- 08.07.07 2008 International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics (BCBGC-08)
- 08.07.12 ADCHEM 2009 International Symposium on Advanced Controll of Chemical Processes, Instanbul, Turkey
- 08.07.13 19th IUPAC 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry 2008, Compostela, Spain
- 08.07.16 DPD Workshop
- 08.07.19 6th Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics, Vancouver, Canada
- 08.07.19 ACTC 2008, Northwestern University
- 08.07.19 6th Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics, Vancouver, Canada
- 08.07.19 ISMB 2008,16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems, for Molecular Biology, Toronto, Canada
- 08.07.20 BIT Life Sciences' WSA-2008 is a focused event for updating the current advances in worldwide R & D of Novel Antiviral Therapeutics
- 08.07.21 eCheminfo Hands-on Drug Discovery Workshop in Oxford
- 08.07.21 eCheminfo Hands-on Drug Discovery Workshop Week, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
- 08.07.26 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps IV - International Workshop, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany
- 08.07.27 Comp Chem GRC: New Computational Tools For 21st Century Chemistry, South Hadley, MA
- 08.08.03 2008 Summer Symposium, International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Coburg, Germany
- 08.08.03 Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program III - Summer School, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany
- 08.08.03 20th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Warsaw, Poland
- 08.08.11 Coarse-Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems, Summer School, UCSD, San Diego, CA
- 08.08.17 Systems Chemical Biology: Integrating Chemistry and Biology for Network Models, ACS, Philadelphia, PA
- 08.08.17 Combining Computational Chemistry with Sequence-Based Bioinformatics for Structure-Function-Activity Relationships, ACS, Philadelphia, PA
- 08.08.17 2008 Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry, ACS Philadelphia, PA
- 08.08.20 5th International Workshop Integrative Bioinformatics, Leucorea Wittenberg, Germany
- 08.08.31 Workshop on Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque Center for Physics, Spain
- 08.09.02 6th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications - ESPA 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
- 08.09.06 The Latsis-Symposium "Intramolecular Dynamics, Symmetry and Spectroscopy", ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- 08.09.10 Summer School on Molecular Modeling and Drug Design, Istanbul, Turkey
- 08.09.12 Protein Structure and Mechanics, Shanghai, Sept 12-13 2008
- 08.09.14 World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), Sydney, Australia
- 08.09.15 4th IEEE Symp. on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology CIBCB'08, Sun Valley (Idaho)
- 08.09.15 Mini EURO conference on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine, Rome, Italy
- 08.09.16 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Cutting Edge Chemistry with Computers, Torino, Italy
- 08.09.21 Euro-QSAR 2008 Omics Technologies & Systems Biology, Uppsala, Sweden
- 08.09.22 ECCB08 European Conference on Computational Biology, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
- 08.09.23 44th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria
- 08.09.24 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry in 2008 (TACC2008), Shanghai, China
- 08.09.26 Symposium on Structural and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Clusters (ICCMSE2008)
- 08.09.28 IMA Mathematical and Algorithmic Challenges in Electronic Structure Theory, Minneapolis, MN
- 08.10.02 South Africa's 1st National Innovation Summit - Emperors Palace, Johannesburg
- 08.10.07 Methods of Molecular Simulation 2008, Heidelberg, Germany
- 08.10.09 Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design 2008, London
- 08.10.14 InnovationWell Autumn Meeting: Innovation in Life Science & Healthcare R&D
- 08.10.14 Drug Discovery Informatics, eCheminfo Autumn Meeting, Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, USA
- 08.10.15 Uncertainty estimaton in multivariate and multiway calibration, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 08.10.21 6th Workshop of Computational Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy, Punta de Tralca, Chile
- 08.10.25 Protein Design and Evolution for Biocatalysis, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
- 08.10.29 Metaheuristics and Structural Biology at META'08 in Hammamet, Tunisia
- 08.10.30 Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling Solutions for Chemical and Materials Industry, The Trinity Centre, Cambridge Science Park, UK
- 08.10.31 17th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, MS
- 08.11.03 IMA Development and Analysis of Multiscale Methods, Minneapolis, MN
- 08.11.09 4th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar, Germany
- 08.11.22 Chemical Control with Electrons and Photons, University Centre Obergurgl, Otz Valley, Austria
- 08.12.08 IMA Solvation, Minneapolis, MN
- 08.12.11 Ab Initio Modelling in Applied Biosciences: Structure, Dynamics and Function
- 09.01.05 MolSim2009: School on Molecular Simulation , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 09.01.06 Biomolecular Simulation 2009, York, UK
- 09.01.11 Chemical Dynamics: Challenges and Approaches, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
- 09.01.19 Shear Force and Protein Function Regulation, Beijing, China
- 09.02.10 1st CP2K tutorial, CECAM ]|[ ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
- 09.02.17 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 09.02.21 Novel Materials and superconductors, Planneralm, Austria
- 09.03.19 Workshop on electronic structure calculations in Pittsburgh
- 09.03.30 Computational Kinetic Transport and Hybrid Methods, Los Angeles, CA
- 09.04.22 OpenEye's Annual European Science Meeting, EuroCUP III, Toledo, Spain
- 09.04.25 International Jacques Monod Conference: Protein folds in infectious and neurodegenerative diseases Aussois (Savoie), France, 25-29 April 2009.
- 09.04.27 Computational Chemistry, Bio-IT World Expo 2009 * Boston, MA
- 09.05.01 "Atoms in Molecules" Symposium: Canadian Chemical Conference & Exhibition (CSC 2009)
- 09.05.07 Short Course: Crystallography for Modelers, May 7 & 8, Piscataway, NJ
- 09.05.18 IMA Molecular Simulations: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications, Minneapolis, MN
- 09.05.20 Central Regional Meeting of the ACS, Cleveland, OH
- 09.05.24 7th European Workshop on Drug Design
- 09.05.26 Molecular Kinetics 2009 at FU Berlin, Germany
- 09.05.27 13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2009), Beijing, China
- 09.06.04 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design
- 09.06.04 Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
- 09.06.08 ACS Virtual Career Fair June 8-12
- 09.06.22 13th ICQC -- The International Congresses of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland
- 09.06.29 MODELING REACTIVITY FROM GAS PHASE TO BIOMOLECULES AND SOLIDS, Celebrating 25 years of the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Network of Catalonia, University of Barcelona, Spain
- 09.07.03 11th European DS Pharmacophore Meeting
- 09.07.06 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, July 6-10, 2009, Champaign, IL, USA
- 09.07.06 New Trends in Computational Chemistry for Industrial Applications, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- 09.07.25 Quantum Monte Carlo workshop, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy
- 09.08.02 Quantum Monte Carlo summer school, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy
- 09.08.04 Molecular Simulation & Modeling using CHARMM & MMTSB Tool Set, August 04-07 2009, UCSD.
- 09.08.10 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, August 10-14, 2009, Champaign, IL, USA
- 09.08.10 Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable energy
- 09.08.15 Q-Chem Workshop, Washington DC
- 09.08.19 DrugInfoMeet, Cochin (God's Own Country), India: International Conference on Chemoinformatics, Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry
- 09.08.31 DFT09, Lyon, France
- 09.09.06 MSSC2009 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (Torino Edition), Universita' di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 09.09.06 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena'2009
- 09.09.09 EMBO Conference: Protein Synthesis and Translational Control, Heidelberg, Germany
- 09.09.14 Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules IV, Hruba Skala, Czech Republic
- 09.09.18 QUITEL 2009, CHITEL 2009: San Andres Island - Colombia, First call for papers
- 09.09.29 Symposium "From Open-Shell Conjugated Molecules to Graphene: Theory and Experiment", Rodos, Greece
- 09.09.29 ICCMSE 2009 - Symposium 2 - Nanoclusters, Nanostructures, and Composite Materials
- 09.09.30 Algorithmic re-engineering for modern non-conventional processing units, USI (Lugano, CH), Sep. 30 - Oct. 2 2009
- 09.10.13 eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting:Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics, Bryn Mawr Philadelphia
- 09.10.14 Towards microscale molecular simulations with high-performance computing, Cork, Ireland
- 09.10.30 18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Miss
- 09.11.04 Q-Chem Workshop in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 09.11.06 2009 Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Canada
- 09.11.08 5. German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar, Germany
- 09.11.11 University of Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium November 11, 2009
- 09.11.11 Membrane Protein Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware USA
- 09.11.11 Algorithms for Macromolecular Modeling (AM^3), Austin, Texas
- 09.11.17 SciMeeting2009
- 09.12.07 Drug Discovery Design Methods & Applications Workshop, Hyderabad, India
- 09.12.11 Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Modelling & Informatics, CFP/Bursaries/ eCheminfo Community of Practice InterAction Meeting, Hyderabad, India
- 09.12.14 Helsinki Winter School 2009: Chemical Bonding, University of Helsinki, Finland
- 09.12.21 APCTCC-4, Port Dickson, Malaysia
- 09.03.30 Computational Kinetic Transport and Hybrid Methods, Los Angeles, CA
- 09.04.22 OpenEye's Annual European Science Meeting, EuroCUP III, Toledo, Spain
- 09.04.25 International Jacques Monod Conference: Protein folds in infectious and neurodegenerative diseases Aussois (Savoie), France, 25-29 April 2009.
- 09.04.27 Computational Chemistry, Bio-IT World Expo 2009 * Boston, MA
- 09.05.01 "Atoms in Molecules" Symposium: Canadian Chemical Conference & Exhibition (CSC 2009)
- 09.05.07 Short Course: Crystallography for Modelers, May 7 & 8, Piscataway, NJ
- 09.05.18 IMA Molecular Simulations: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications, Minneapolis, MN
- 09.05.20 Central Regional Meeting of the ACS, Cleveland, OH
- 09.05.24 7th European Workshop on Drug Design
- 09.05.26 Molecular Kinetics 2009 at FU Berlin, Germany
- 09.05.27 13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 2009), Beijing, China
- 09.06.04 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design
- 09.06.04 Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
- 09.06.08 ACS Virtual Career Fair June 8-12
- 09.06.22 13th ICQC -- The International Congresses of Quantum Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland
- 09.06.29 MODELING REACTIVITY FROM GAS PHASE TO BIOMOLECULES AND SOLIDS, Celebrating 25 years of the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Network of Catalonia, University of Barcelona, Spain
- 09.07.03 11th European DS Pharmacophore Meeting
- 09.07.06 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, July 6-10, 2009, Champaign, IL, USA
- 09.07.06 New Trends in Computational Chemistry for Industrial Applications, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- 09.07.25 Quantum Monte Carlo workshop, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy
- 09.08.02 Quantum Monte Carlo summer school, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy
- 09.08.04 Molecular Simulation & Modeling using CHARMM & MMTSB Tool Set, August 04-07 2009, UCSD.
- 09.08.10 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, August 10-14, 2009, Champaign, IL, USA
- 09.08.10 Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable energy
- 09.08.15 Q-Chem Workshop, Washington DC
- 09.08.19 DrugInfoMeet, Cochin (God's Own Country), India: International Conference on Chemoinformatics, Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry
- 09.08.31 DFT09, Lyon, France
- 09.09.06 MSSC2009 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (Torino Edition), Universita' di Torino, Torino, Italy
- 09.09.06 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena'2009
- 09.09.09 EMBO Conference: Protein Synthesis and Translational Control, Heidelberg, Germany
- 09.09.14 Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules IV, Hruba Skala, Czech Republic
- 09.09.18 QUITEL 2009, CHITEL 2009: San Andres Island - Colombia, First call for papers
- 09.09.29 Symposium "From Open-Shell Conjugated Molecules to Graphene: Theory and Experiment", Rodos, Greece
- 09.09.29 ICCMSE 2009 - Symposium 2 - Nanoclusters, Nanostructures, and Composite Materials
- 09.09.30 Algorithmic re-engineering for modern non-conventional processing units, USI (Lugano, CH), Sep. 30 - Oct. 2 2009
- 09.10.13 eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting:Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics, Bryn Mawr Philadelphia
- 09.10.14 Towards microscale molecular simulations with high-performance computing, Cork, Ireland
- 09.10.30 18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Miss
- 09.11.04 Q-Chem Workshop in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 09.11.06 2009 Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Canada
- 09.11.08 5. German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar, Germany
- 09.11.11 University of Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium November 11, 2009
- 09.11.11 Membrane Protein Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware USA
- 09.11.11 Algorithms for Macromolecular Modeling (AM^3), Austin, Texas
- 09.11.17 SciMeeting2009
- 09.12.07 Drug Discovery Design Methods & Applications Workshop, Hyderabad, India
- 09.12.11 Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Modelling & Informatics, CFP/Bursaries/ eCheminfo Community of Practice InterAction Meeting, Hyderabad, India
- 09.12.14 Helsinki Winter School 2009: Chemical Bonding, University of Helsinki, Finland
- 09.12.21 APCTCC-4, Port Dickson, Malaysia
- 10.01.04 MolSim2010: School on Molecular Simulation (Amsterdam, NL)
- 10.02.16 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry
- 10.03.12 Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design 2010, London
- 10.03.30 Q-Chem workshop in University of Louisville
- 10.04.10 Computers in Chemistry session of Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the ACS, April 11, 2010
- 10.04.29 Biological Interfaces: A Thomas Young Centre Workshop
- 10.05.12 UK-QSAR Spring Meeting, Newhouse, Scotland
- 10.05.24 Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2010: Berkeley, California, May 24-29
- 10.06.14 2010 ISQBP President's Meeting, Cetraro (CS), Italy
- 10.06.16 42nd Central Regional Meeting of the ACS, Dayton, Ohio
- 10.06.23 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 10.06.26 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, June 26-30, Almeria, Andalucia, Spain
- 10.06.29 VII Electronic Structure, Principle and Applications (ESPA2010) Conference, Univ. Oviedo, Spain
- 10.07.04 Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2010, July 4-8, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland
- 10.07.05 IX Girona Seminar on Electron Density, Density Matrices, and Density Functional Theory, Girona, Spain
- 10.07.12 "Hands-on" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, July 12-16, 2010, at San Diego
- 10.07.24 Quantum Monte Carlo Workshop - Apuan Alps Centre for Physics, Tuscany, Italy
- 10.07.25 Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- 10.07.26 Drug Discovery Design Methods & Applications, Oxford, U.K., 26-30 July, 2010
- 10.08.01 Quantum Monte Carlo Summer School - Apuan Alps Centre for Physics, Tuscany, Italy
- 10.08.02 eCheminfo Predictive ADME & Toxicology Workshop, Oxford, U.K., 2-6 August, 2010
- 10.08.06 Workshop on GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling, August 6-8, 2010, at the Beckman Institute in Urbana, Illinois
- 10.08.25 8th European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Lund, Sweden
- 10.09.12 Celebrating Computational Biology: A Tribute to Frank Blaney
- 10.09.13 Semiconducting Oxides Symposium, European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland
- 10.09.19 CHITEL 2010, 36th Conference of theoretical chemists of latin expression, Anglet-Biarritz, France
- 10.09.26 AIMM2010 - Annotation, Interpretation and Management of Mutations, ECCB10, Ghent, Belgium
- 10.09.27 International Conference Nanotechnology Forest Products Industry, Espoo, Finland
- 10.10.03 First Announcement Call for Papers for Symposium at 8th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2010 (ICCMSE 2010), Psalidi, Kos, Greece
- 10.10.11 DFTB Thai Summer School in Computational Chemistry, Bangkok, October 11-14, 2010
- 10.10.12 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Perth, Australia
- 10.10.22 Southwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference
- 10.11.01 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, November 1-5, 2010, Urbana, IL, USA
- 10.11.07 6. German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar, Germany
- 10.11.12 Frontiers in the Simulations of Macromolecules, Los Angeles, CA
- 10.11.12 Frontiers in the Simulation of Macromolecules, Los Angeles, CA
- 10.11.28 Molecular modelling for the life and materials sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
- 10.11.29 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, November 29 - December 3, 2010, Urbana, IL, USA
- 11.02.02 III Symposium of Young Researchers on Molecular and Atomic Physics
- 11.02.07 CP2K Tutorial -- Tutorial: Enabling the Power of Imagination in MD Simulations, ETH - Zurich (Switzerland)
- 11.02.15 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 11.03.21 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics, March 21-25, 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA
- 11.03.26 Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations, Anaheim, CA
- 11.03.27 Cheminformatics-CombiChem Symposium, 241 ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2011
- 11.03.30 Modeling of biologically-inspired photoactive systems, Universite de Provence, Marseille, France
- 11.04.04 25th Molecular Modeling Workshop, Computer-Chemie-Centrum, Erlangen, Germany
- 11.04.06 MGMS Spring Meeting - Membrane Proteins: Structure and Function, University of Oxford.
- 11.05.05 CECAM workshop on Dynamics & thermodynamics of biomolecular recognition; Paris, France
- 11.05.07 Materials Congress-2011, University of Jinan, Jinan, China
- 11.05.16 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics using NAMD and VMD
- 11.05.26 2nd Workshop on New Trends in Computational Chemistry for Industry Applications, 26th-27th May, University of Barcelona, Spain
- 11.06.01 Workshop Computational Methods in Chemistry, ICCS 2011, Tsukuba, Japan
- 11.06.01 66th Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications (6th CCA)th Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Its Applications (6th CCA), Tsukuba, Japan
- 11.06.05 9th International Conference on Chemical Structures (ICCS), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- 11.06.07 2011 Computational Chemistry and Material Science (CCMS) Summer Institute at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- 11.06.08 Course: Identification of Druggable Sites for Protein-Protein Interaction Targets, Cambridge, MA
- 11.06.08 CHI's 11th Annual Structure-Based Drug Design Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- 11.06.08 TheoBio 2011, Island of Madeira, Portugal
- 11.06.19 Excited State Processes 2011, Santa Fe, NM, USA
- 11.06.20 CCG - North American User Group Meeting 2011, Montreal, Canada
- 11.06.25 Quantum Bioinorganic Chemistry 3 (QBIC 3), Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
- 11.06.27 Theoretical Chemistry Group Conference 2011, University of Nottingham, UK
- 11.06.28 Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry, 4th Int. Symp. (MACC-4), Lviv, Ukraine
- 11.07.06 The 2nd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST-2), Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch
- 11.07.10 8th Seminars of Advanced Studies on Molecular Design and Bioinformatics, Havana-Varadero, Cuba
- 11.07.12 Materials Modelling and Property Prediction Day, Birmingham, UK
- 11.07.15 SimOC 2011 (Simulations in Organic Chemistry), Vigo, Spain
- 11.07.20 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB11), Juelich, Germany
- 11.07.25 In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group, July 25 - August 5, 2011, Urbana, IL
- 11.07.25 Excited states and non-adiabatic processes in complex systems, Girona, Spain.
- 11.07.30 Quantum Monte Carlo Summer School, Tuscany, Italy
- 11.08.01 TCBG Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels, August 1-4, 2011
- 11.08.21 Summer School, Villars, Switzerland: Solving the Schrodinger Equation - From Electronic Structure to Quantum Dynamics
- 11.08.28 Photocatalysis symposium at ACS Meeting in Denver, CO
- 11.09.04 Molecular Kinetics Conference 2011, Berlin, Germany
- 11.09.04 MSSC2011 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (Turin edition - September 4-9, 2011)
- 11.09.04 International conference on Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules 2011; Kutna Hora,
- 11.09.05 CPMD Meeting 2011, Barcelona
- 11.09.05 14 Asian Chemical Congress, September 5-8, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
- 11.09.11 13th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity, Tartu, Estonia
- 11.09.12 Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy, Moscow, Russia
- 11.09.19 MGMS Workshop "Connecting Structure to Function: From Calculation to Experiment and Back Again", Cambridge/UK
- 11.09.19 MSSC2011 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry (London edition - September 19-23, 2011)
- 11.09.23 Symposium to celebrate Joop van Lenthe's 60th birthday
- 11.10.02 Symposium "Multiscale and multidisciplinary modeling for industrial and scientific applications" at ICCMSE 2011, Halkidiki, Greece
- 11.10.17 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD and NAMD, October 17-21, 2011, Bremen, Germany
- 11.11.28 TCBG Online Workshop on Simulating Membrane Channels, November 28 - December 1, 2011
- 11.12.04 XXXVII Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression (Quitel 2011)
- 11.12.09 The Fifth Asian Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Rotorua, New Zealand
- 12.01.04 5th School & Workshop on "Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications"
- 12.01.09 MolSim-2012: School on Molecular Simulation (Amsterdam, NL)
- 12.01.22 Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications, San Francisco, CA
- 12.02.11 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics using NAMD and VMD
- 12.02.14 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2012: Relativistic Quantum Chemistry 14 - 17 February 2012, Mariapfarr (Austria)
- 12.03.12 Therapeutic applications of computational chemistry and biology (TACBAC) , Cambridge, UK
- 12.04.16 Quantum Chemistry in Astronomy and Astrobiology (AbSciCon 2012), Georgia Tech/NASA, Atlanta, GA, USA
- 12.04.26 Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design, 2012, SOAS, Russell Square, London
- 12.05.07 CPMD Tutorial, CECAM HQ, Lausanne May 7-9, 2012
- 12.06.03 Workshop: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB12), Knoxville, TN, USA
- 12.06.06 Course: First Principles in Binding Kinetics
- 12.06.06 Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
- 12.06.26 CCG UGM & Conference, Montreal, Canada
- 12.07.02 KNIME Training, Oxford University, UK
- 12.07.02 Modeling of Biochemical Systems, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain
- 12.07.16 In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group, July 16 - 27, 2012, Urbana, IL
- 12.07.22 Canadian Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
- 12.07.28 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
- 12.08.05 Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program VII, Tuscany, Italy
- 12.08.13 Second International Symposium on Computational Sciences, Shanghai, China
- 12.08.30 Molecular Modelling Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand
- 12.09.02 CESTC 2012, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 12.09.09 Molecular Electronic Structure at Troy Workshop, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey
- 12.09.10 5th conference Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials (MDMM), September 10-14, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland
- 12.09.12 International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry (IMAMPC2012) Pisa, Italy
- 12.09.23 48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Karlsruhe, Germany
- 12.10.22 "Hands-On" Workshop on Computational Biophysics using NAMD and VMD at Urbana
- 12.10.26 Q-Chem User Workshop, October 26, 2012, Texas A&M University
- 12.10.26 Southwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference (SWTCC2012)
- 12.10.26 Nano-S&T NanoSciences & Technologies 2012, Qingdao, China
- 12.10.30 WEBINAR: Exploring Reaction Paths Using the Freezing String Method, 4PM EST, October 30, 2012
- 12.11.09 21th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (November 9-10; Jackson, MS USA )
- 12.11.11 German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC2012), Der Achtermann, Goslar, Germany
- 12.12.03 Computer-Aided Drug Design 2012 (CADD2012), University of UiTM Puncak Alam, Malaysia
- 12.12.13 WEBINAR: Studying Excited States and Open-Shell Species with EOM-CC Methods, Anna Krylov, 3PM EST, Dec 13, 2012
- 13.01.14 New York Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY
- 13.01.16 WEBINAR: Exploring Solvation Effects with Continuum Solvation Models, John Herbert, 2PM EST, Jan 16, 2013
- 13.02.05 Q-Chem Webinar entitled "The Harvard Clean Energy Project"
- 13.02.19 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 13.03.06 Webinar: "The Electronic Couplings in Electron Transfer and Excitation Energy Transfer"
- 13.03.07 CRC Intern Symp: Chemical Theory for Complex Systems, Univ of Strasbourg
- 13.03.21 DRUG DESIGN SYMPOSIUM, Bahcesehir University, March 21-23, 2013 Istanbul, Turkey
- 13.03.26 Webinar: "MP2 Methods in the Q-Chem Software Package "
- 13.04.24 Webinar: "An Overview of the Minnesota Exchange-Correlation Functionals for DFT Calculations with Q-Chem"
- 13.05.19 Form Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB13), University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
- 13.05.23 New trends of Computational Chemistry for Industry Applications, Univ. of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- 13.06.10 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD, NAMD, and ProDy, June 10-14, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA
- 13.06.13 Webinar: "The Q-Chem/Charmm Interface for QM/MM Studies"
- 13.06.17 Flatlands beyond Graphene 2013, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
- 13.06.19 Webinar: Free Ride Through Some Aspects of Density Functional Theory
- 13.06.19 Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis Dinner Course
- 13.06.19 Structure-Based Drug Design for Epigenetic Targets Course
- 13.06.19 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design
- 13.06.24 6th Theoretical Biophysics Symposium, Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden
- 13.06.26 Advances in Photoreactions: When spin-orbit coupling, optical excitation and motion of nuclei are of equal importance?
- 13.06.26 Bioinformatics 2013/BIT13
- 13.07.01 5th Symposium "Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry", Kharkiv, Ukraine
- 13.07.01 Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications, IIT, Genova, Italy
- 13.07.10 User Workshop for Q-Chem to be held in South Korea in conjunction with the 6th APCTCC Conference
- 13.07.29 Drug Discovery Workshop Oxford July 29-August 2, 2013
- 13.08.02 Workshop on GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling, August 2-4, 2013, in Urbana, Illinois
- 13.08.03 Crystal Structure Prediction Workshop, Guilin, China
- 13.08.04 Quantum Monte Carlo summer school, Tuscany, Italy
- 13.08.05 Nanotechnology Conference, Toronto, Canada
- 13.08.06 Hands-On Workshop Density-Functional Theory and Beyond, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
- 13.08.26 AMMCS-2013 is an interdisciplinary international conference that focuses on computational sciences and modeling
- 13.09.01 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VI (CTTC-VI), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
- 13.09.01 ESOR 2013
- 13.09.02 IMPRS Summer School: MULTISCALE MODELING AND SIMULATION, Magdeburg, Germany
- 13.09.02 3rd Workshop on Molecular Kinetics, September 2nd-5th, 2013, Berlin
- 13.09.02 CPMD2013 Meeting, University of Leipzig, Germany
- 13.09.08 âComputational Photocatalysisâ symposium, 246th ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- 13.09.15 1st INTERNATIONAL TURCMOS (TURKISH CONGRESS ON MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY), Harbiye Cultural Center and Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
- 13.09.16 Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules, Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
- 13.09.29 SciX 2013 - The Great Scientific eXchange, Milwaukee, WI, USA
- 13.10.07 QUANTUM CHEMICAL TOPOLOGY Symposium, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- 13.11.06 13.11.06 Webinar: "Tune your range separated hybrid and breathe life into your orbital energies"
- 13.11.10 9th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, FULDA, Germany
- 13.11.15 22th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (Jackson, Miss USA)
- 13.11.18 Computational Biophysics Workshop using NAMD and VMD, November 18-22, 2013, Urbana, Illinois, USA
- 13.11.18 Third International Symposium on Computational Sciences: Advanced Methods, Software and HPC Architectures, and Their Applications in Computational Material and Biological Sciences, Shanghai, China
- 13.11.21 pDynamo Workshop & Molecular Simulation Symposia 2013 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 13.12.11 Webinar Presentation by Prof. Martin Head-Gordon entitled, "What's New in Q-Chem 4.1?"
- 13.12.16 Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry: Theoretical Spectroscopy
- 14.01.09 Chemical Theory for Complex Systems, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
- 14.01.15 Webinar Presentation by Prof. Nick Besley, entitled "Studying X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy With Q-Chem"
- 14.02.18 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 18 - 21 February 2014, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 14.02.19 Webinar Presentation by Prof. Ryan P. Steele entitled, "Beyond critical points: Ab initio dynamics and sampling in Q-Chem"
- 14.03.03 FUUAST-International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICNN-2014)
- 14.03.12 1st CIC Spring School on Chemoinformatics in Erlangen/Germany
- 14.03.26 Webinar Presentation on Reaction Pathways using Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Free Energy Simulations with Q-Chem and CHARMM
- 14.03.28 CEADD2014: Modelling water in biological systems
- 14.04.17 2nd INTERNATIONAL BAU DRUG DESIGN CONGRESS, Istanbul, Turkey (17-19 April 2014)
- 14.04.26 5th International Chemistry Conference, Apri 26-29 2014, Abha Saudi Arabia
- 14.05.21 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design Conference
- 14.05.21 3rd annual CCP-BioSim meeting, Frontiers of Biomolecular Simulation - University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- 14.05.25 Workshop: From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB14), Gdansk (Poland) May 25-27, 2014
- 14.05.29 Recent Advances in Modeling Rare Events, Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, Kumarakom (Kerala), India
- 14.06.01 10th ICCS & 10th GCC 2014, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- 14.06.03 CECAM Tutorial Advances in Biomolecular Modelling and Simulations using CHARMM June 3-6 Dublin
- 14.06.04 Interface between experimental and theoretical approaches to energy-related enzyme catalysis, University College London, UK
- 14.06.10 Binding free energy and kinetics Workshop, Genova, Italy (10-12 June 2014)
- 14.06.15 International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology (ISQBP) 2014 , Telluride, Colorado USA
- 14.06.16 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD and NAMD, June 16-20, 2014, Bremen, Germany
- 14.06.25 Webinar Presentation by Prof. Anna Krylov, Prof. Daniel Lambrecht, Prof. John Herbert and Dr. Zhengting Gan, entitled "Q-Chem 4.2: An Engine for Innovation"
- 14.06.29 Sixth conference Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials (MDMM 2014), June 29 to July 3, 2014, Kudowa Zdroj, Poland
- 14.07.01 New Workshop: Modeling of Electronic Devices and Materials at the Nanoscale
- 14.07.22 Workshop on GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling, Urbana, IL, July 22-24, 2014
- 14.07.31 Recent Appointees in Materials Modelling, Imperial College London, UK
- 14.08.03 Quantum Monte Carlo summer school, Tuscany, Italy
- 14.08.04 "Hands-on" Workshop on Computational Biophysics at Lake Tahoe, August 4-8, 2014
- 14.08.09 Workshop in Conjunction with ACS National Meeting in California on Use of Q-Chem 4.2
- 14.08.11 Very Large System Simulation Workshop, Urbana, IL, August 11-15, 2014
- 14.08.19 CECAM Conference: Modeling Cellular Life; Lausanne, Switzerland
- 14.09.10 3rd TYC Workshop + Tutorial on Energy Materials, University College London, UK
- 14.09.14 STC2014: 50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
- 14.09.17 Significance of Knotted Structures for Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids, University of Warsaw, Poland
- 14.10.05 10th Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, WATOC 2014 , Santiago, Chile, October 5-10, 2014
- 14.10.23 Webinar on "Electron and Energy Transfer in Molecules"
- 14.10.30 CRC-SU Joint Symposium, "Interplay between Theory and Experiments", Stockholm
- 14.11.07 Workshop - Electron Dynamics on Surfaces and Nanostructures
- 14.11.13 Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Facultatea de Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
- 14.11.21 Lowdin Mini Symposium, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- 14.11.23 XL Congress of Theoretical Chemists of the Latin Expression QUITEL 2014, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
- 14.11.23 XL Congress of Theoretical Chemists of the Latin Expression QUITEL 2014, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
- 14.12.05 Webinar: "Accurate & Efficient Calculation of Non-Covalent Interactions using XSAPT"-UPDATED
- 14.12.11 New Approaches in Computational Materials Discovery (Moscow, 11-12 December 2014)
- 14.12.15 NBCR AMBER Workshop - UC San Diego - La Jolla, California, USA - December 2014
- 15.01.11 Numerical Methods for Quantum Chemistry, Boat trip Tromsoe-Kirkenes-Tromsoe, Norway
- 15.01.20 Workshop on Crystal Structure Prediction and Materials Discovery with the USPEX code
- 15.02.02 Physical Biology of Proteins and Peptides: Theory, Experiment and Simulation Mexico City 2015
- 15.02.24 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 24 - 27 February 2015, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 15.03.05 Webinar presented by Prof. M. Head-Gordon, "Combinatorial design of new density functionals using a 'survival of the most transferable' approach"
- 15.03.19 Drug Design and Delivery Symposium, ACS Webinars, 2pm ET Thursdays monthly.
- 15.03.21 User Workshop for Q-Chem - Day before 249th ACS Meeting in Denver
- 15.05.17 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB2015), Oklahoma City, OK, USA 17-19 May 2015
- 15.05.17 X European Workshop in Drug Design, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
- 15.06.08 7th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (THEOBIO2015) Cagliari, Italy 8-12 June 2015
- 15.06.08 The 15th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry
- 15.06.14 International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), Aussois, France
- 15.06.22 International Conference on Understanding and Controlling Nano And Mesoscale Friction, Istanbul, Turkey
- 15.06.25 10th USPEX workshop: new dates
- 15.07.06 Kazan Summer School in Chemoinformatics, Kazan, Russia
- 15.07.13 DFT and beyond: First-principles simulations of molecules and materials
- 15.07.20 ICCES 2015: Application of Modeling and Simulation towards Development of Inherently Safer Processes
- 15.07.22 The 29th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society
- 15.08.03 Berkeley QM/MM Workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA
- 15.08.06 Computational Chemical Biology, Pullman Cairns International, Cairns, Australia
- 15.08.18 NBCR Summer Training Program: Data to Structural Models, UC-San Diego, La Jolla, CA
- 15.08.20 Workshop on computational materials discovery using the USPEX code
- 15.08.30 Summer School Methods in Molecular Energy Research, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Germany
- 15.08.31 European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Fulda, Germany
- 15.09.14 20th International Workshop on QUANTUM SYSTEMS IN CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND BIOLOGY (QSCP-XX), Varna, Bulgaria
- 15.09.14 MIB VII: QM and MM description of biomolecules, development of new techniques, analyses, and insights into the bio-systems
- 15.09.22 Computational Advances in Drug Discovery - EPF Lausanne - SwissTech Convention Center
- 15.09.27 1st International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-2015), Lausanne, Switzerland, 27-29 September 2015
- 15.10.01 3rd INTERNATIONAL BAU DRUG DESIGN CONGRESS, Istanbul (01-03 October 2015)
- 15.10.01 New Trends in Computational Chemistry for Industrial Application
- 15.11.04 Symposium on Computational Studies of Protein Function: call for abstracts
- 15.11.08 11. German Conference on Cheminformatics - Fulda / Germany
- 15.11.25 MGMS Exploring Mechanisms in Biology: Theory and Experiment, Singapore
- 15.12.02 CUNY ITS Workshop on Electronic Structure and Dynamics: First-Principles Electronic Structure, Excitations, and Dynamics beyond Standard Density Functional Theory
- 15.12.02 MM2015, UNSW Australia, Sydney, Australia
- 15.12.14 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry - Computational Biochemistry, Helsinki, Finland
- 15.12.15 Photocatalysis and Charge Transfer at Interfaces and Nanomaterials
- 15.12.15 Computational Modeling of Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Properties
- 16.02.16 2016 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr, Austria
- 16.03.07 2nd CIC Spring School on Cheminformatics
- 16.03.07 Integrated Informatics Driving Translational Research & Precision Medicine Conference, March 7-9, 2016, San Francisco, CA
- 16.03.07 Bioinformatics for Big Data: Converting Data Into Actionable Knowledge Conference, March 7-9, 2016, San Francisco, CA
- 16.03.13 CALL FOR PAPERS CINF symposium "Towards the integration of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology into drug discovery: a systems level understanding of therapeutic and toxic effects of drugs" in the Upcoming ACS Meeting "Computers in Chemistry" , San Diego, California, March 13-17, 2016
- 16.04.04 Solvay workshop Conceptual Quantum Chemistry, Brussels, Belgium
- 16.04.12 Pauli2016 Workshop, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- 16.04.20 International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO) 20-22 April, 2016, Granada (SPAIN)
- 16.05.19 2016 Kinetics and Markov State Models workshop, Novartis, Cambridge MA
- 16.05.28 Second Polish-Korean Conference on "Protein Folding: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches"
- 16.06.05 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Halifax, Canada
- 16.06.15 OpenEye Scientific meeting - EuroCUP IX, Nice, France
- 16.06.19 registration opened for the ISQBP President's Meeting 2016
- 16.06.19 ISQBP President's Meeting 2016, Bergen, Norway
- 16.06.23 Advancing the Frontiers of (Bio)Chemistry with Valence Bond Approaches. A workshop at Uppsala University, June 23-25, 2016,
- 16.06.26 7-th conference Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials 2016 in Trzebnica, Poland, 26-30 June 2016
- 16.06.27 French speaking theoretical chemists (RCTF) biannual meeting ,Rockefeller Center, Lyon, France
- 16.07.04 Australian symposium on Computationally Enhanced Materials Design (ACEMD)
- 16.07.18 ICTP-CAS-IAEA School and Workshop on Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices, Hefei, China
- 16.07.18 The 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), July 18-22, 2016, The University of Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria
- 16.07.24 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications- DATA 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
- 16.07.25 CCP-BioSim/CCPN joint conference, Biomolecular simulations and biomolecular NMR, University of Derby, Buxton, United Kingdom
- 16.08.07 Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology (ISDSB2016), Knoxville, TN, USA
- 16.08.21 Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations preceding ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia
- 16.08.22 Putting the Theory Back in Density Functional Theory: A Summer School, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
- 16.08.28 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry 2016
- 16.08.30 First European Symposium on Chemical Bonding (ESCB1), Rouen, France
- 16.09.04 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VII (CTTC VII), 04.09-08.09 2016, Krakow, Poland
- 16.09.09 MGMS Big Data in BioMolecular Systems, 9 September 2016, School of Pharmacy, UCL, London
- 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
- 16.09.12 Emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its Applications
- 16.09.18 Summer School Physical Methods in Molecular and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
- 16.09.25 "DYNAPEUTICS" summer school (San Sebastian, Spain)
- 16.10.10 COLUMBUS in China, Advanced Workshop on Multireference Theory, Tianjin, China
- 16.10.17 Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: October 17-21 in Urbana, IL
- 16.11.06 12th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC), 6-8 Nov. in Fulda - Germany
- 16.11.13 Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry Conference - Molmod 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 16.11.14 Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: November 14-18 in Atlanta, GA
- 16.11.20 42nd Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, Montevideo, Uruguay
- 16.12.12 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry - Current Trends in Electronic Structure Theory Methods, Helsinki, Finland
- 16.12.19 Uncertainty Assessment and Benchmark Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data
- 17.01.11 Structure Prediction with USPEX code (11-13 jan. 2017, Poitiers, France)
- 17.02.27 2017 Joint ICTP-IAEA School on Atomic Processes in Plasmas
- 17.03.13 Comp. Chem. for Pollutant Mitigation, IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
- 17.03.19 Computational Molecular Science 2017 - Warwick University - U.K.
- 17.03.30 Nanomaterials 2017, Madrid, Spain.
- 17.04.02 Q-Chem Software User Workshop in San Francisco, CA
- 17.04.17 Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: April 17-21 in Urbana, IL
- 17.04.24 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security â IoTBDS 2017
- 17.05.16 Nanomaterials symposium, Manchester, UK
- 17.05.18 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB2017)
- 17.05.21 Eleventh European Workshop in Drug Discovery (XI EWDD)
- 17.06.23 Quantitative Biology: Computational and Single-Molecule Biophysics, Peking University, Beijing, China
- 17.06.26 8th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (THEOBIO2017) Donostia/San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain) 26-30 June 2017
- 17.06.26 3rd Glycobiology World Congress June 26-28, 2017 London, UK
- 17.06.29 Cresset User Group Meeting 2017
- 17.07.05 3rd Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics, 5-7 July, 2017, in Kazan, Russia
- 17.07.09 The Minnesota Workshop on ab Initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry with CRYSTAL
- 17.07.13 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and Gas July 13-14 , 2017 Berlin, Germany
- 17.07.31 Breaking Barriers through Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- 17.07.31 Summer school DFT and beyond in Berlin: Accuracy, Efficiency and Reproducibility
- 17.08.17 Chemistry on the Road to Drug Design, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
- 17.08.20 2017 Martini Coarse-Graining Workshop
- 17.08.21 STC 2017, Big Data in Chemistry, Aug 21-26, Basel, Switzerland
- 17.08.23 Coding Solvation Workshop, Livorno, Italy
- 17.08.27 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, WATOC2017, 27 August to 1 September, 2017 in Munich, Germany
- 17.08.28 event director
- 17.09.02 12th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics, REHE-2017, in Marburg, Germany
- 17.09.03 MIB VIII: QM and MM description of biomolecular interactions, development of new techniques, analyses, and insights into the bio-systems.
- 17.09.03 Summer School: Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
- 17.09.04 11th European Conference on Theoretical and Computional Chemistry
- 17.09.05 Computational Advances in Drug Discovery
- 17.09.05 Thermodynamics 2017, Edinburgh
- 17.09.10 HBOND2017 10.-14.9.2017 Jyvaskyla, Finland
- 17.09.11 8th International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine
- 17.09.13 5th annual CCPBioSim conference "Frontiers of Biomolecular Simulation", Southampton, UK
- 17.09.18 NGC 2017 -- Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy
- 17.09.18 9th International Conference on Structural Biology
- 17.09.20 Cancer Therapeutics 2017
- 17.09.25 Hands-On Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free Energy Calculations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 17.10.02 World Congress on Infectious & Rare Diseases
- 17.10.18 BioCreative VI chemical-protein interaction (ChemProt) - 2017, October 18-20 2017, Bethesda
- 17.10.23 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics October 23-24, 2017 Paris, France
- 17.10.23 9th International Conference and Expo on Proteomics October 23-25, 2017 Paris, France
- 17.10.23 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics October 23-24, 2017 Paris, France
- 17.11.02 Biochemistry Conference, Biochemistry Conference 2017, Biochemistry congress, cancer biochemistry, Structural biochemistry, Biochemistry Europe, analytical biochemistry, Pharmaceutical biochemistry, USA
- 17.11.05 13th German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Mainz, Germany
- 17.11.06 28th National and 16th International Conference on Global challenges and Chemistry, Karachi, Pakistan to be held on 6-8th November 2017
- 17.11.08 Protein Engineering 2017
- 17.11.09 The â5th American Otolaryngology - ENT Surgery Conferenceâ is going to be held during November 9-10, at New Orleans, USA.
- 17.11.27 International Oncology Summit
- 17.11.27 Annual World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research November 27-28, 2017 Atlanta, USA
- 17.11.27 Annual World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research November 27-28, 2017 Atlanta, USA
- 17.11.29 Indo-German Workshop on Computing in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, IIIT Hyderabad, India
- 17.12.06 The âInternational Plastic Surgery Conferenceâ is going to be held during December 6-7, 2017, at São Paulo, Brazil.
- 17.12.18 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry - Molecular Energy and Electron Transfer, Helsinki, Finland
- 18.03.04 AMBER Molecular Dynamics Workshop 2018 Sun 4 â Thu 8, March 2018, Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel
- 18.03.05 3rd International Conference on Enzymology & Molecular Biology, London, UK
- 18.03.15 10th Edition of International Conference on Structural Biology 2018
- 18.03.22 11th Edition of International Conference on Proteomics
- 18.03.26 Cancer Conferences, Oncology Conferences, Pharmacology Conferences
- 18.04.05 "Hands-On" Workshop on QM/MM Simulations at Urbana, IL April 5-7, 2018
- 18.04.09 10th International Conference on Proteomics and Bioinformatics
- 18.04.16 9th World Congress on Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
- 18.04.16 'Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 4 (BDBDB 4)' (
- 18.04.23 Global Physicians and Healthcare Congress which is going to be held on April 23-24, 2018 in Dubai, UAE
- 18.04.25 [CCG Webinar] New and Enhanced Features in MOE 2018.01 | April 25 & May 3
- 18.05.03 Trinity College Dublin Symposium and Workshop in May. Computer-Aided Drug Design: Linking Design, Biology, Chemistry and Medicine
- 18.05.10 Immunology conference
- 18.05.21 "Hands-on" Workshop on Computational Biophysics at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (May 21 - 25)
- 18.05.21 Pain Management Conference, New York, USA
- 18.05.27 11. International Conference on Chemical Structures, 27-31 May 2018, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- 18.05.28 Computational Chemistry Days 2018, Helsinki, Finland
- 18.05.28 Cell and Structural Biology Conference 2018
- 18.06.10 Summer School on Smart Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery, Anacapri, Italy
- 18.06.11 NAMD Developer Workshop at Urbana, IL June 11-12, 2018
- 18.06.11 13th International Conference on Metabolomics and Systems Biology, London, UK
- 18.06.11 2nd Edition of International Conferences on Clinical Oncology and Molecular Diagnostics
- 18.06.11 Oncology conferences
- 18.06.14 [CCG Webinar] MOEsaic: Exploring SAR with Matched Molecular Pairs | June 14 & 19
- 18.06.18 16 International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, 16 ICQC
- 18.06.21 The Cresset User Group Meeting 2018, June 21-22, Cambridge, UK
- 18.06.24 8th international conference Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials, 24-28 June 2018, Polanica Zdroj, Poland
- 18.06.24 Photoinduced Processes in Embedded Systems, 24-27 June 2018, Pisa, Italy (ICQC Satellite)
- 18.07.08 International Union of Crystallography's Conference on
- 18.07.08 Summer School: "An Introduction to DFT" at Cornell University
- 18.07.12 Exploring the boundless escalations in Laser, Optics and Photonics
- 18.07.12 Chemistry Conferences | Organic Chemistry Conferences | Inorganic Chemistry Conferences
- 18.07.16 RSC Theoretical Chemistry Group conference
- 18.07.16 Conferenceseries Conference is honoured to invite the faculty of Ophthalmology to participate at âInternational Conference on Ophthalmologyâ during July 16-17, 2018,Atlanta, USA. This conference is going to structure around the theme âFocusing on the most recent innovations and trends in Ophthalmologyâ.
- 18.07.16 International Research Summit on Biomaterials and Nanotechnology
- 18.07.18 Cell Scale Workshop, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
- 18.08.06 Annual Conference on Green Catalysis and Sustainable Energy held September 6-7, 2018 at Dubai, UAE
- 18.08.19 Computational Photocatalysis, ACS COMP Symposium, Boston
- 18.08.31 Emerging infectious disease, Zurich , Switzerland.
- 18.09.02 MSSC2018 Summer School in "Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry"
- 18.09.03 Quantum Bio.Inorganic Chemistry IV, Bath UK
- 18.09.09 Summer School "Computational spectroscopy: bridging theory and experiment" - Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Como (Italy)
- 18.09.10 "Hands-On" Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free-Energy Calculation, Urbana, Illinois (September 10-14)
- 18.09.10 International Conference on Nutritional Biochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic
- 18.09.24 "Hands-On" Workshop on Structural DNA Nanotechnology at Urbana, IL (Sept 24-26)
- 18.09.24 14th International Conference on Structural Biology September 24-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany
- 18.09.24 14th International Conference on Structural Biology would like to take this privilege to invite you to attend the Conference which is to be held during September 24-26, 2018 at Berlin, Germany.
- 18.09.24 14th International Conference on Structural Biology September 24-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany
- 18.10.01 International Conference on Nutrition it will be held on October 01-03, 2018 at Las Vegas, USA and it is being organized by Meetings International (Meetings Int.).
- 18.10.15 6th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Conference, Helsinki, Finland
- 18.10.15 Metabolomics Conference 2018 at Rome, Italy on October 15-17, 2018
- 18.10.17 Quantum International Frontiers 2018, Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R. China
- 18.10.17 STD & HIV AIDS 2018, Las Vegas, USA October 17-18, 2018
- 18.10.18 5th International Conference on Hypertension & Healthcare, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 18.10.26 International Computational Science Congress, Amasya University, Turkey. October 26-28, 2018
- 18.10.28 MolMod 2018 - Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry
- 18.11.09 Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry
- 18.11.29 [CCG Webinar] Knowledge-based optimization of antibody models | Nov. 29 & Dec. 6
- 18.12.10 Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2018 - Machine Learning
- 18.12.10 International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2018, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- 18.12.13 6th INTERNATIONAL BAU DRUG DESIGN CONGRESS, Istanbul Turkey (13-15 December 2018,
- 19.03.11 School on molecular computational biochemistry, Krakow, Poland
- 19.03.11 25th International Conference on Cancer Research and Pharmacology
- 19.03.14 Molecular Dynamics Today meeting, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
- 19.03.28 13th Global Pharmacovigilance and clinical trials summit
- 19.04.03 Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference â S3IC 2019
- 19.04.12 MGMS Big Ideas for Big Data in Drug Discovery, UCL, London
- 19.05.08 CELL MODELING WORKSHOP: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 19.05.20 Pharma Europe 2019, Zurich, Switerzland
- 19.05.20 21st Annual European Pharma Congress during May 20-21, 2019 at Zurich, Switzerland
- 19.06.01 International Symposium on Quantum Effects in Chemistry and Biology, Shanghai, China
- 19.06.04 deRSE19 - Conference for Research Software Engineers in Germany
- 19.06.23 EMBO Workshop: Synergy of experiment and computation in quantitative systems biology. Nove Hrady, Czech Republic
- 19.06.27 Local correlation approaches for molecules and solids, Regensburg, Germany
- 19.06.30 9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference, 9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference, Germany
- 19.07.08 5th Quantum BioInorganic Chemistry Conference, Marseille, France
- 19.07.11 Preregistration open: 10th ISTCP Congress July 11-17 2019 in Tromso, Norway
- 19.07.22 18th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications, Alicante, Spain
- 19.07.22 Healthcare Conferences | Healthcare Meetings | Healthcare Summit | Healthcare Congress | Healthcare Technology Conferences
- 19.08.19 NAMD Developer Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
- 19.08.25 QUITEL/CHITEL 2019: The 45th International Conference of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (25-30 August 2019).
- 19.09.01 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VIII, Krakow, Poland
- 19.09.04 Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2019, Munich, Germany
- 19.09.15 EUROPIN Summer School on Drug Design in Vienna, Austria
- 19.09.16 Nursing
- 19.09.17 ICANN 2019 -28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks-
- 19.09.18 Doubling the Global rate of Improvement in Energy Technology
- 19.09.30 DYNAPEUTICS international summer school (2nd edition), UPV/EHU and DIPC, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
- 19.10.01 [CCG Webinar] Free energy calculations using Thermodynamic Integration (TI) in AMBER18 | Oct. 1 & 3
- 19.11.18 2nd Quantum International Frontiers (QIF) Conference, Shanghai, China
- 19.12.02 International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon PBSi 2019, Rome, Italy
- 19.12.09 Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2019: Inorganic Chemistry
- 19.12.31 Conference on the Moon
- 20.02.20 [CCG Webinar] In Silico Fragment-Based Drug Design: Approaches and Applications | Feb. 20 & 27
- 20.03.16 COST Training School "Multiscale modeling of the properties of compounds: From isolated molecules to 3D materials", 16-20 March, 2020, Belgrade
- 20.03.26 World Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain on March 26-27, 2020
- 20.04.23 UK QSAR and Cheminformatics Group Spring Meeting, Manchester, UK
- 20.05.11 Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Radiation Damage in Nuclear Systems, Trieste, Italy
- 20.06.18 Andy Vinter Memorial Meeting and Cresset User Group Meeting, Cambridge, UK
- 20.06.22 Modeling of Drugs and Ligands (MoDaL) Summer School, Torun, Poland,
- 20.06.22 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics (REHE2020), Assisi, Italy
- 20.06.25 Bioinformatics Fights Viruses Virtual Conference, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
- 20.06.29 ISQBP 2020 Meeting, Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, Strasbourg, France
- 20.08.16 The 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC 2020)
- 20.09.06 MSSC2020 Summer School on Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry, Torino (Italy)
- 20.10.15 13th Chemical Physics Congress 15-16 October 2020 \a/ ELAZIG-TURKEY
- 20.10.25 MolMod Conference - Molecular Modeling in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 20.11.10 1st International Electronic Conference on Catalysis Sciences, MDPI, Online
- 20.11.16 Material Science and Nanotechnology Live Webinar: Nov 16-17, 2020
- 20.11.17 Webinar: Use highly accurate predictions of ligand affinity from FEP to streamline molecule design
- 20.11.19 Computational Chemistry Webinar: In Silico Approaches To Phenotypic Assays
- 20.11.19 Webinar - Improving team working and information delivery across Design-Make-Test-Analyze: Spotlight on compound synthesis
- 20.11.23 New Horizons in Scientific Software: from Legacy Codes to Modular Environments
- 21.01.13 Webinar - Exploit prior knowledge: Understand SAR to inform ligand design
- 21.01.21 Webinar - Improving team working and information delivery across Design-Make-Test-Analyze: Spotlight on molecule design
- 21.02.23 Exploring Chemical Space (Mariapfarr Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Online)
- 21.04.29 Webinar: New frontiers in CNS - From target selection to small molecules design - April 29th & May 6th, 2021
- 21.06.14 Excited States and Nonadiabatic Dynamics CyberTraining Workshop
- 21.06.16 Cresset User Group Meeting on 16th June (Online)
- 21.06.21 International Congress of Quantum Chemistry / Bratislava, Slovakia
- 21.06.22 Webinar - New Approaches in GPCR Drug Design - June 22 (4PM - CET/10AM - EDT)
- 21.06.29 2021 Online Meeting of the ISQBP (International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology)
- 21.07.13 VISTA Symposium on Artificial-Intelligence and Data-Science assisted Synthesis (VIRTUAL)
- 21.09.24 MGMS at 40 - free virtual event, 24th September 2021
- 21.10.18 Online Hands-on Workshop on Computational Biophysics
- 21.10.19 FEBS advanced course Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis
- 21.11.16 Cresset Webinar, November 16th or 17th: Exploit water interactions in your ligand design
- 21.11.22 NHISS2021: Light-Matter Interaction: Theory Meets Experiment
- 21.11.22 Virtual Workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Materials Science, Chemistry and Biology
- 21.12.03 2nd Plenareno Material Science and Nanotechnology Conference - Barcelona, Dec 03-04, 2021
- 22.02.21 Virtual Winter School for Computational Chemistry
- 22.03.01 Cresset webinar - Designs beyond similarity: Using the active site to generate new designs
- 22.06.08 The 10th OpenMolcas developers' workshop, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- 22.06.12 12. International Conference on Chemical Structures, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- 22.06.12 CompbioAsia - cross disciplinary computational biology training in Asia
- 22.06.16 A celebration of the life and work of Andy Vinter, founder of Cresset
- 22.06.26 Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2022, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A
- 22.07.11 ISQBP Meeting July 11-14, 2022, Innsbruck, Austria
- 22.08.05 Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry - Focus on Africa Edition
- 22.08.28 19th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications (DFT 2022)
- 22.09.26 13th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics, Assisi, Italy
- 22.10.25 Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics -- NANOP 2022: Functional Nanophotonics
- 22.11.02 ELIXIR 3D BioInfo Community F2F/hybrid meeting - Annual General Meeting - Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, United Kingdom
- 22.11.28 Helsinki Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2022 - QC-4C: Quantum Computers for Chemistry
- 23.02.28 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry: Electron Transfer and Transport in Clean Energy Generation
- 23.03.02 Cresset Webinar: Australian Program for Drug Repurposing for Treatment Resistant Ovarian Cancer
- 23.03.22 PBSi 2023 : International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon
- 23.04.06 Cresset Webinar: Using molecular dynamics to produce an ensemble of protein conformations for more biologically relevant docking experiments
- 23.04.27 Material Science, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Biomaterials, Polymer Science
- 23.06.13 Torx 2.0: Accelerate your drug discovery with holistic, connected workflows and communication capabilities across the DMTA cycle
- 23.06.13 The 1st African Summer School on Molecular Modelling
- 23.06.14 11th OpenMolcas Developers' Workshop, Bologna, Italy
- 23.06.20 ICQC Satellite Meeting on Strong Correlation in Molecules, Znojmo, Czech republic
- 23.06.22 Flare V7: What's new for ligand-based and structure-based drug designers
- 23.06.26 International Congress of Quantum Chemistry 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 23.06.27 Torx Make: Real-time collaboration between Biotech and CRO for simplified communication and workflow management
- 23.07.17 Hands-On Workshop On Computational Biophysics in Auburn, AL
- 23.08.07 3-day Virtual International Conference on Materials Chemistry, MITS, India
- 23.08.17 Cresset Webinar: Using Hit Expander and QSAR to design and score new ligands in silico
- 23.08.29 6th Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Conference (QBIC-VI) in Warsaw, Poland
- 23.09.06 University of Warwick and Cresset Drug Design Roadshow
- 23.09.10 Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules (MIB'23), Charles University, Prague
- 23.09.11 25th International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, Bologna - Italy
- 23.09.14 ACS & SilcsBio Webinar: Overcoming the Trade-Off Between Speed and Accuracy in CADD
- 23.10.12 Identifying leads with targeted selectivity through virtual screening, Online Webinar
- 23.10.26 Effective visualization and analysis of drug discovery targets, Cresset Webinar
- 23.11.14 Using computational methods to design and prioritize molecules within drug design, Online
- 23.12.12 Streamlining the design of PROTACs® and PROTAC linkers Webinar, Online
- 24.01.18 Calculating ligand binding affinities at the lipid /membrane interface P2Y1 GPCR complex, Online
- 24.02.15 3D Antibody Modeling in Orion Webinar
- 24.02.22 Flare V8: What's new in Cresset's molecular modeling software? - Online Webinar
- 24.03.05 CUP is OpenEye's annual scientific meeting held at La Fonda on the Plaza in Santa Fe where we bring together top Scientists, Customers, Users, and Programmers in the industry to discuss the challenges in drug discovery.
- 24.04.15 Conference about application of Nanotechnologies
- 24.05.15 Molecular Dynamics in Flare: A User-Friendly and Effective Solution to Enhance Drug Discovery, Online
- 24.06.10
- 24.06.17 American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry 2024
- 24.06.24 GMNANO2024
- 24.07.15 Intensive Summer School: Multiscale Modelling Methods, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- 24.08.05 3-day Virtual International Conference on Chemistry: Global Trends & Future Directions, Andhra Pradesh, India
- 24.09.01 Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry IX, Krakow, Poland
- 24.09.02 27th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Bologna - Italy
- 24.09.11 ETH-Microsoft Workshop on High-Throughput Computational Chemistry, Zurich, Switzerland
- 24.09.16 Polymer Summit 2024, Prague, Czechia, September 16-18, 2024.
- 24.09.17 ICANN 2024: The 33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
- 24.09.25 CECAM workshop on Peripheral Membrane Protein Interactions
- 24.10.08 Innovative Strategies for Biotherapeutic Developability Assessment - Discngine Meetup (virtual)
- 24.10.13 11th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-XI)
- 24.10.28 Computational Medicinal Chemistry School - Cambridge, MA
- 24.11.11 MGMS Virtual Lecture Tour: Judith Gunther, Uta Lessel, Matthew Grayson & Andreas Bender
- 24.11.25 School Quantum Chemistry of Excited States, Babes-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca, Romania